Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie, Britiske kolonier og protektorater, kultur, bogvæsen ; musik ; pladeselskaber ; folkemusik ; rock; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; efterretningstjenester ; kernevåben ; atomvåbenforsøg ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold, uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; British colonies and protectorates, War participation; Culture, Books On Books; Music; Record companies; Folk music; Rock; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Intelligence services; Nuclear weapons; Nuclear weapons tests; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions, Education; Economy and arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Colonies et protectorats britanniques, Participation à la guerre; Culture, livres sur les livres; La musique; Les maisons de disques; Musique folklorique; Roche; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Services de renseignement; Armes nucléaires; Tests d'armes nucléaires; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales, éducation; L'économie et le commerce des armes.

Britisk deltagelse i krige

Britain: Participation in Wars

Grande-Bretagne: La participation à des guerres

Gran Bretaña: La participación en las guerras

Großbritannien: Die Teilnahme an Kriegen

Se også: UK RAF; Royal Air Force.

Se tillige: Afrikanske krige ; Krige fra Amerika ; Krige fra Asien ; Krige fra Europa ; Krige fra Oceanien (inkl. Australien og New Zealand)
Albanske krige ; Algeriske krige ; Andorras krige ; Angolas krige ; Antigua & Barbudas krige ; Argentinske krige ; Armenske krige ; Aserbajdsjanse krige ; Australske krige ; Bahamas krige ; Bahrainske krige ; Bangladesh krige ; Barbados krige ; Belgiske krige ; Belizes krige ; Benins krige ; Bhutans krige ; Bolivianske krige ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas krige ; Botswanas krige ; Brasilianske krige ; Britiske krige ; Brunei Darussalamske krige ; Bulgarske krige ; Burkina Fasos krige ; Burundiske krige ; Canadiske krige ; Cambodjanske krige ; Camerouns krige ; Centralafrikanske krige ; Chiles krige ; Colombianske krige ; Comorernes krige ; Congolesiske krige ; Costa Ricanske krige ; Cubanske krige ; Cypriotiske krige ; Danske krige ; Den demokratiske republik Congos krige ; Djiboutiske krige ; Dominicas krige ; Dominicanske krige ; Ecuadors krige ; Egyptiske krige ; El Salvadors krige ; Elfenbenskystens krige ; Eritreas krige ; Estlands krige ; Etiopiske krige ; Fijis krige ; Filippinske krige ; Finske krige ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters krige ; Franske krige ; Færøske krige ; Gabons krige ; Gambianske krige ; Georgianske krige ; Ghanas krige ; Grenadas krige ; Græske krige ; Grønlandske krige ; Guatemalas krige ; Guineanske krige ; Guinea-Bissaus krige ; Guyanske krige ; Haitis krige ; Honduras krige ; Hvideruslands krige ; Indiske krige ; Iranske krige ; Islandske krige ; Irske krige ; Israelske krige ; Italienske krige ; Japanske krige ; Jordans krige ; Kap Verdiske krige ; Kasakhstaniske krige ; Kenyanske krige ; Kinesiske krige ; Kirgisistans krige ; Kiribatiske krige ; Kosovoanske krige ; Kroatiens krige ; Kuwaits krige ; Laotiske krige ; Lesothiske krige ; Letlandske krige ; Libanesiske krige ; Liberianske krige ; Liechtensteinske krige ; Litauens krige ; Luxembourgs krige ; Madagascarske krige ; Makedonske krige ; Malawiske krige ; Malaysianske krige ; Maldivienske krige ; Malis krige ; Maltesiske krige ; Marokkanske krige ; Marshalløernes krige ; Mauretaniens krige ; Mauritiuske krige ; Mexicanske krige ; Mikronesiske krige ; Moldoviske krige ; Monacoske krige ; Mongoliets krige ; Montenegros krige ; Mozambiques krige ; Namibiaske krige ; Naurus krige ; Nepals krige ; New Zealandske krige ; Nicaraguanske krige ; Nigerske krige ; Nigerianskes krige ; Norske krige ; Nordkoreanske krige ; Omans krige ; Pakistanske krige ; Palaus krige ; Palæstinas krige ; Panamanske krige ; Papua Ny Guineanske krige ; Paraguays krige ; Peruvianske krige ; Polske krige ; Portugisiske krige ; Qatars krige ; Rumænske krige ; Russiske krige ; Rwandanske krige ; Salomonøernes krige ; Samoas krige ; San Marinos krige ; São Tomé & Principles krige ; Saudi-Arabiske krige ; Schweiziske krige ; Senegals krige ; Serbiske krige ; Seychellernes krige ; Sierra Leones krige ; Singapores krige ; Skotske krige ; Slovakiets krige ; Sloveniens krige ; Somaliske krige ; Sri Lankas krige ; St. Kitts & Nevis krige ; St. Lucias krige ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes krige ; Surinams krige ; Svenske krige ; Swazilands krige ; Sydkoreanske krige ; Sydsudans krige ; Syriske krige ; Tadsjikistanske krige ; Taiwanesiske krige ; Tanzanianske krige ; Tchadske krige ; Thailandske krige ; Tjekkisk krige ; Togos krige ; Tonganske krige ; Trinidad & Tobagos krige ; Tunesiske krige ; Turkmenistanske krige ; Tuvaluske krige ; Tyrkiske krige ; Tyske krige ; Ugandas krige ; Ukrainske krige ; Ungarnske krige ; Uruguayske krige ; Usbekistanske krige ; Vanuatuske krige ; Venezueleanske krige ; Vietnamesiske krige ; Yemens krige ; Zambiase krige ; Ækvatorial Guineaske krige ; Østriske krige ; Østtimorske krige.


Iraq Wars Bibliography.
A bibliography of English military books up to 1642 and of contemporary foreign works 1900.
The Chilcot Report
The Report of the Iraq Inquiry: Report of a Committee of Privy Counsellors. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on 6 July 2016, I-XII. / : Sir John Chilcot et al., 2016.
Allied Participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom. / : Stephen A. Carney. Center of Military History, United States Army. Washington, D.C., 2011.
Erindringer som bidrag til Norges historie fra 1800-1815, I-III. / : Jacob Aall. - Oslo: J.W. Cappelen, 1844.
Leaked Memo Reveals Blair's 'Deal In Blood' With Bush Over Iraq War
Leaked White House memo shows former Prime Minister's support for war at summit with U.S. President in 2002
Bombshell document shows Blair preparing to act as spin doctor for Bush, who was told 'the UK will follow our lead' Publicly, Blair still claimed to be looking for diplomatic solution - in direct contrast to email revelations
New light was shed on Bush-Blair relations by material disclosed by Hillary Clinton at the order of the U.S. courts
By William Lowther In Washington and Glen Owen for The Mail on Sunday
October 17, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Daily Mail" - A bombshell White House memo has revealed for the first time details of the ‘deal in blood’ forged by Tony Blair and George Bush over the Iraq War.
The sensational leak shows that Blair had given an unqualified pledge to sign up to the conflict a year before the invasion started.
Treaty registered on 15 March 1950 No. 747.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, France, Australia, etc.:
Treaty of Peace with Italy. Signed at Paris, on 10 February 1947.
The Home Front Encyclopedia: United States, Britain, and Canada in World Wars I and II.
- Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, Inc., 2007. - 1546 s.
Et godt og veldokumenteret almindeligt opslagsværk om dagligdagen under de to krige.
Handbook On the British Army with Supplements on the Royal Air Force and Civilian Defence Organization. 1942 .
Wood, William Charles Henry: Select British documents of the Canadian War of 1812; 1920. - 556 s.
- Toronto, The Champlain Society
Mowat, Robert Balmain: The wars of the Roses, 1377-1471 1914 -
Albany Major, J.: Early Wars of Wessex.: being studies from England's school of arms in the West.
- Cambridge, University Press, 1913. - 292 s. -
'Great Britain -- History Anglo Saxon period, 449-1066'
Documentary history of the armed neutralities, 1780 and 1800, together with selected documents relating to the War of American Independence 1776-1783 and the Dutch War 1780-1784 1919.
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson: Letters and papers relating to the first Dutch war, 1652-1654. Volume: 1-VI.- London : Navy records society, 1899. -
Report of the British naval and military operations in Egypt, 1882 1885.
Ten years in India, in the 16th Queen's Lancers, and three years in South Africa, in the Cape Corps Levies [microfilm] : first Afghan Campaign, the Maharatta War, the Sheik War, including battles of Ghuznee, Cabul, Maharajpoor, Buddewal, Aliwal, Sobraon, and Kaffir War of 1850-51 : replete with anecdotes, incidents inseparable from military life, manners and customs of the several Indian races, Mahomedans, Hindoos and Kaffir tribes, tales of elephant hunting, etc., etc. 1880
Great Britain. War Office. Intelligence Division: British minor expeditions. 1746 to 1814 1884:
Expedition to Lorient, 1745.--First expedition to St. Malo, 1758.--Second expedition to St. Malo, 1758.--Siege and capture of Belleisle, 1761.--Expedition to Quiberon, 1795.--Expedition to Ostend, 1798.--Combined British and Russian expedition to the Helder, 1799.--Expedition to Copenhagen, 1807.--Expedition to Walcheren, 1809.--Expedition to Bergen-op-Zoom, 1813-14.
Great Britain. Foreign Office: Correspondence respecting the insurrectionary movement in China 1979
Correspondence Regarding Insults in China, 1857.
Correspondence Relating to China. Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, 1840.
Mortality of the British army : at home and abroad, and during the Russian war, as compared with the mortality of the civil population in England ; illustrated by tables and diagrams. Reprinted from the Report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the Regulations affecting the Sanitary State of the Army, 1858.
The official correspondence relative to the negotiation for peace, between Great Britain and the French republick, as laid before both houses of Parliament 1797.
Murray, James: An impartial history of the war in America; from its first commencement, to the present time ; together with the charters of the several colonies, and other authentic information ; likewise, the rise, progress, and political springs of the war now carrying on between Great-Britain, and the united powers of France, Spain, Holland, and America ; with a particular account of the several engagements both by sea and land 1782.
The History of the late war, from the commencement of hostilities in 1749, to the definitive treaty of peace in 1763 : wherein, the original cause of disagreement is traced, and every transaction and occurrence, worthy of public notice, through the course of the war in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, are faithfully narrated 1765. -
The answer of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the Lords Ambassadors extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces : As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake; and the Holland fleet under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Trump. And likewise several letters, examinations and testimonies touching the same. Together with the three papers aforesaid of the said Lords Ambassadors extraordinary; and the letters of Lieutenant Admiral Trump therein mentioned, translated into English 1652.
The river war : an historical account of the reconquest of the Soudan / by Winston Spencer Churchill ; edited by Col. F. Rhodes, D.S.O. New and rev. ed. London ; New York : Longmans, Green and Co., 1902.
"First printed, 2 vols. 8vo. October 1899: reprinted January 1900; June 1900; New and revised edition... 1902." Appendices: A. Composition of the staff during the river war.--B. Text of the Soudan agreement of the 19th of January 1899, and of the declaration of the 21st of March 1899.
Kanaløerne var besat af Tyskland under anden verdenskrig.
Se også: Storbritannien: Historie ; kolonier og protektorater.

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