
De dele af jordens overflade som ikke er dækket af vand.
Land kan være opdelt i stater, imperier, ingenmandsland og kolonier.
Karstlandskab er et landskab, hvor kalkstensunderlaget når frem til overfladen.
Muddervulkaner / mud volcano: En muddervulkan eller mudderkuppel er en landform skabt af udslip af mudder eller slam, vand og gasser. De findes over hele verden.
Se også: Agronom ; arveland ; atol ; biologi ; bjerg ; dal ; eng ; enklave ; fauna ; flora ; geografi ; geodæsi ; geologi ; geopolitik ; grund ; grundejer ; grus ; grusgrav ; hede ; højland ; højmose ; indlandsis ; interesseområde ; kog ; kontinent ; koralrev ; kulturgeografi ; kulturlandskab ; lagune ; land for fred-princippet ; landbo ; landbrug ; Landbrugsministeriet ; landgang ; landmåler ; landsby ; landskab ; lavine ; lavland ; lavmose ; natur ; overdrev ; pas ; planet ; plateau ; polder ; provins ; råstof ; råstofplan ; sand ; sedimentære bjergarter ; slette ; strand ; strandeng ; topografi ; tundra ; uorganisk materiale ; vang ; ø ; ørken ; ådal ; ås.


Land Rights And The Rush For Land : Findings of the Global Commercial Pressures on Land Research Project / Ward Anseeuw, Liz Alden Wily, Lorenzo Cotula & Michael Taylor .International Land Coalition, 2011. - 84 pp.
'The topic of this report is most commonly referred to as “land grabbing”. It has attracted global attention since 2008, with a series of highly publicised transnational agreements involving the lease of land areas of unprecedented size. Since then, it has become clear that this phenomenon is really more diverse, of a larger scale, and perhaps less novel that it had first appeared. While the most publicised deals have been transnational in nature and focused on food and biofuels production, they are hard to separate analytically from wider trends of increasing commercial pressures on land characterised by a more diverse range of actors, scales, and economic drivers. They are part of longer-term historical processes of economic and social transformation. Yet with the intensification of commercial pressures on land since the food price crisis of 2008, these processes have entered a new phase. It is in this sense that this report speaks of a new “land rush”.'
Paul Williams (2008). World Heritage Caves and Karst. A global review of karst World Heritage properties: present situation, future prospects and management requirements.
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 57pp

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