
Amerikansk: Communication, Command and Control. Militær  kommunikation, kommando og kontrol.
C3 omfatter både konventionelle våben og kernevåben og er en beskrivelse af nogle af de (mere eller mindre hemmelige) elementer som indgår i offensiv og defensiv, militær ledelse så som (US Battle Management Communication, Command, Control).
Blandt C3 producenter er BAE Systems Applied Technologies Inc., Rockville, Md.
Se også: AFSATCOM ; AMB-traktaten ; AWAC ; BMEWS ; BM3C ; Communication-Electronic (C-E) Platforms ; US the Counter Communications System ; cyber command ; C3I ; C4I ; CIS ; Danish Army Command Control System ; US Defence Satelite Communications Systems ; US EUCOM ; EU European Defence Agency ; UK GCHQ ; Global Information Grid ; GPS ; US Intelligence Information, Command and Control, Equipment and Enhancements (ICE2) ; Lockheed Martin ; LORAN ; meldecentral ; Milsatcom ; Milstar ; the US Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network ; Missile Defence ; NARS ; US National Center for Aerospace Leadership ; the NATO C3 Agency ; Network Centric Warfare ; US NORTHCOM ; Nuclear Command and Control Systems ; Omega ; overkommando ; permissive action link ; Satcom ; USCENTCOM ; SHAPE ; U.S. Special Operations Command ; US Space Command ; Star wars ; Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TTC) ; Terma Elektronik A/S ; transforming ; United States Strategic Command / USSTRATCOM ; X-Band Radar.


Dahlin, Ulrik: Hæren har brugt 400 millioner til it-system med 'en del begrænsninger og en vis ustabilitet'. I: Information, 05/18/2007.
Declassified Pentagon History Provides Hair-Raising Scenarios of U.S. Vulnerabilities to Nuclear Attack through 1970s
Study Specifically Addresses U.S. Strategic Command-Control-and-Communications [C3] Systems
President Could Try to Survive Attack by Escaping or Try to Command U.S. Forces - But Not Both, According to One Report
Reagan Spent Billions on C3 Upgrades But Kept Secret Its Top Priority
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 403. / : Edited by William Burr. - Washington, D.C., November 19, 2012.
Defense Industrial Base Capabilities Study: Command and Control.
- Washington : Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (ndustrial Policy), June 2004.
Loran-C and Omega : A study of the military importance of radio navigation aids. / Owen Wilkes ; Nils Petter Gleditsch.
- Oslo : Norwegian University Press, 1987. - 397 s. - ISBN 82-00-07703-9
Space Control: S.S. Network

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