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NATO Supreme Headquaters
Allied Powers Europe. NATOs europæiske hovedkvarter.
Ligger ved Mons, Belgien. Chefen er altid en amerikansk general
Begrebet ”Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe”
(SHAPE) dækker over det område udenfor Mons, hvor SHAPE
stab, "National Military Representatives" (NMR), "Combined Joint
Planning Staff" (CJPS), "NATO Airborne Early Warning Force Command"
(NAEWFC), "Partnership Coordination Cell" (PCC) og "Regional Signal
Group SHAPE" (RSGS) samt tilhørende støttefunktioner
er placeret.
At their meeting on 12 June 2003, Alliance Defence Ministers agreed
on the design of a new streamlined military command structure. It
will be leaner, more flexible, more efficient, and better able to
conduct the full range of Alliance missions.
Strategic Level
At the strategic level, there is only one command with operational
responsibilities, Allied Command Operations commanded by the
Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR). It performs the
operational duties undertaken until now by Allied Command Europe
and Allied Command Atlantic. SACEUR continues to be dual-hatted as
Commander US European Command.
In addition, a new functional command, Allied Command
Transformation, commanded by the Supreme Allied Commander
Transformation (SACT) was established to take responsibility for
promoting and overseeing the continuing transformation of Alliance
forces and capabilities. SACT will be dual-hatted as Commander, US
Joint Forces Command.
Allied Command Operations, with its headquarters, SHAPE, near Mons,
Belgium, is responsible for all Alliance operations. The levels
beneath SHAPE are being significantly streamlined, with a reduction
in the number of headquarters. The operational level consists of
three standing Commands:
Joint Force Command Brunssum, the Netherlands They both conduct
operations from their static locations or provide one land-based
Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) headquarters.
Joint Force Command Naples, Italy
Joint Command Lisbon, Portugal From which a deployable sea-based
CJTF Headquarters capability can be drawn.
Component / Tactical level
The component or tactical level will consist of six Component
Commands, which provide service-specific - land, maritime, or air -
expertise to the operational level. Although these component
commands will be available for use in any operation, they will be
subordinated to one of the Joint Force Commanders.
Joint Force Command Brunssum Component Command - Air at Ramstein,
Component Command - Maritime at Northwood in the United Kingdom
Component Command - Land at Heidelberg, Germany
Joint Force Command Naples
Component Command - Air at Izmir, Turkey
Component Command - Maritime in Naples, Italy
Component Command - Land at Madrid, Spain
In addition to these component commands, there will be four static
Combined Air Operations Centres (CAOCs) in Uedem, Germany;
Finderup, Denmark; Poggio Renatico, Italy; and Larissa, Greece; and
two deployable CAOCs - in Uedem and Poggio Renatico. As the
deployable CAOCs will need to exercise their capability to mobilise
and deploy, the current facilities at Torrejon Air Base in Spain
would be the primary site for training and exercising in that
region. A small NATO air facility support staff will be stationed
at Torrejon to support this capability.
Allied Command Transformation (ACT), with its headquarters in
Norfolk, US, oversees the transformation of NATO's military
capabilities. In doing so, it enhances training, improves
capabilities, tests and develops doctrines and conducts experiments
to assess new concepts. It also facilitates the dissemination and
introduction of new concepts and promotes interoperability. An ACT
Staff Element in Belgium was established, primarily for resource
and defence planning issues.
ACT includes the Joint Warfare Centre in Norway, the new Joint
Force Training Centre in Poland and the Joint Analysis and Lessons
Learned Centre in Portugal. Headquarters Supreme Allied Command
Transformation (HQ SACT) also supervises the Undersea Research
Centre in La Spezia, Italy. There are direct linkages between ACT,
Alliance schools and NATO agencies, as well as the US Joint Forces
Command. A NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre
in Greece, associated with ACT, is also envisaged. In addition, a
number of nationally- or multinationally-sponsored Centres of
Excellence focused on transformation in specific military fields
will support the command.
Kilde: New NATO Command Structure
- Se også: EUCOM ;
- Se på Internettet: Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Europe http://www.nato.int/shape/index.htm
Gilmore, Gerry J. : NATO's response force will transform the
Jim: Africa Integral to U.S. European Command, General
Jim: U.S. Military Footprint in Europe Changing to Meet
Signature of the
Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) contract.
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