- ⚔
Communication, Command, Control and Intelligence.
Militær kommunikation, kommando, kontrol og efterretningsvirksomhed.
C3I omfatter både
konventionelle våben og
kernevåben til land, til vandm i luften og i rummet.
- Se også: COMINT ; US Continuity of
Government ; C3 ; C3I-erfagruppen under Dansk
Indistri ; C4I ; DEFCON ; ELINT ; EW ; US
Global Command and Control System ; US Global Command and Control
System-Maritime (GCCS-M) ; GPS ; US
Global War on Terrorism Command, Control, Communications,
Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance systems ;
US Joint Planning and Execution System ; US Joint Resource
Assessment Data System ; lyttestation
; US the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) ; US
National Communications System ; US National Military Command
System ; NORAD / the North American
Aerospace Defense Command ; U.S. Northern Command ; US Nuclear
Planning and Execution System ; US Persistent Littoral Undersea
Surveillance Network (PLUSNET) ; US Rapid Execution and Combat
Targeting ; rumimperialisme ; SIGINT ; US USSPACECOM Warfighting
Support System ; US Strategic Automated Command Control System ; US
Strategic War Planning System ;
telemetriaflytning ; Thulebasen ;
UAV ; US Worldwide Military Command
and Control System ; X-Band
- Garamone, Jim: US Air Force Fleet Experiencing Pains of
FM 34-25-3 Chapter 4: Information
- http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm34-25-3/Ch4.htm
Pike, John: C3I : Communications, Command, Control and
Intelligence, United States Nuclear Forces.
- http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/
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