Amerikansk: Communication, Command, Control, Computer and
Militær kommunikation,
kommando, kontrol, computer og efterretningsvirksomhed.
C4I omfatter både
konventionelle våben og
Blandt amerikanske C4I producenter er BAE Systems Applied
Technologies Inc., Rockville, Md.,
General Dynamics og Engineering Services Network Inc.,
Arlington, Va.
Se også: ASWCCCS ; C3 ; C3I; C4ISR ; GPS ; US Global War on Terrorism Command,
Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance systems ; lyttestation
; Muos ; US Naval Surface Warfare Center (PHD NSWC), Port Hueneme,
Calif. ; the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium ; OSIS
Thulebasen ; the US Warfighter Information Network - Tactical
Communication System.