
Arabisk: Vejen til fred; salaam. Arabisk baseret religion.
Blandt muslimer kan nævnes: Abdul Gaffar Khan ; Malcolm X.
Se også: Afghan ; Alawisme ; Avicenna ; burka ; Dansk Islamisk Forening for Fred og Miljøbevarelse ; dar es Salaam ; Davids Samling ; Demokratiske Muslimer ; dervish ; deterriorialisering ; djihad ; drusere ; emir ; eskatologi ; fagir ; fakir ; fatwa ; fiqh ; foreningen Fælles Fremtid ; halal ; hadith ; hadj ; hafiz ; haram ; hartal ; hijab ; hijri eller Hegirian [kalender] ; iftar ; imam ; ISESCO ; Isfahan ; islamofobi ; islamisme ; jannah ; janitjarer ; jizya ; kafir ; kalif ; kalifat ; kismet ; konfliktløsning ; Koranen ; moharebeh ; moske ; den muhammedanske liga ; mufti ; omskæring ; Organisation of Islamic Conferences / Organisationen af den islamiske Konference ; pilgrim ; polygami ; profetembede ; præstestyre ; ramadhân ; Røde Halvmåne ; Sahel ; salafisme ; salat ; sharia ; sharia-lån ; sufisme ; sultan ; sultanat ; sunna ; sunnitter ; surer ; tauhid ; ulema ; valfart ; wahabismen ; zakât.


Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo, 1903-.
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, today expressed grave concern about the damage to Egypt's Museum of Islamic Art, following the reported explosion of a car near the Police Security Directorate, which is located at Port Said Street in Cairo, in front of the main entrance of the Museum.
Friday, 24 January 2014 at 19:00

Se på Internettet:
Bibliography of Art and Architecture in the Islamic World I-II. / : Susan Sinclair. Brill, 2012.
The Holy Koran in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography. / : Compiled by Fawzi Mikhail Tadros.
Library of Congress. Washington, 1993.
Denne omfattende bibliografi indeholder også forskningsoversigter.
Index Islamicus
Islam, Peace, Nonviolence : A Select Bibliography / Compiled byKarim Douglas Crow
"The items given here are restricted primarily to English language publications, with the addition of a limited number of Arabic and French or Italian titles. No attempt is made to be comprehensive for materials published in Islamic languages (Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu, Bahasa Indonesia …); those which are included are almost always from the modern period. Readers are warned that concentration on Occidental publications may result in misleading or insufficient information. Only for the topic 'Nonviolence ' is special attention is given to translations into Arabic".
Bæk Simonsen, Jørgen: Islam og islamisme : en forskningsoversigt. I: Den jyske historiker. - 2010:124 . - s. 98-118.
Encyclopaedia of Islam : A dictionary of the geography, ethnography and biography of the Mohammedan peoples. Leyden, Brill, Lond. Luzae, 1911-14 og senere udgaver.
'A work of high scholarship and authority, containing signed articles, with hibliographies, on subjects in histography, history, geography, religious beliefs, institutions, manners and customs, tribes, industries, sciences, terms of different sorts, etc. Geographical material includes separate articles on towns and larger political divisions in the Ottoman empire and on foreign countries in which Islam is of importance, e. q., China."'

A supplementary hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the libraries of the University and colleges of Cambridge (1922).
Ahmeds, Leila: Kvinder og køn i islam. Historiske rødder til en moderne debat.
Forlaget Vandkunsten, 2008. ; Carsten Niebuhr Biblioteket). Oversat af Birgitte Rahbek. Originaltitel: Women and Gender in Islam (Yale University, 1992).
The Arabian journey : Danish connections with the Islamic world over a thousand years.
/ : Torben Lundbæk m. fl. . Prehistoric Museum Moesgård, 1996.
Bang Petersen, Rasmus: Udvisning af muslimer breder sig i Europa. I: Information, 08/22/2005.
Bowman, Robert: The "Security" Charade. The National Catholic Reporter, Oct. 2, 1998.
Bundgaard, Bente: Cat Stevens uønsket i USA - står på terrorlisten. I: Berlingske Tidende, 09/23/2004.
Bæk Simonsen, Jørgen: Politikens bog om Islam. Politiken, 2008.
The Cambridge companion to the Qurʾān / : Edited by Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Georgetown University Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Christian Martyrs under Islam: Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World. / : Christian C. Sahner. Princeton University Press, 2018.
Using previously untapped sources in a range of Middle Eastern languages, Christian Sahner introduces an unknown group of martyrs who were executed at the hands of Muslim officials between the seventh and ninth centuries CE. Found in places as diverse as Syria, Spain, Egypt, and Armenia, they include an alleged descendant of Muhammad who converted to Christianity, high-ranking Christian secretaries of the Muslim state who viciously insulted the Prophet, and the children of mixed marriages between Muslims and Christians. Sahner argues that Christians never experienced systematic persecution under the early caliphs, and indeed, they remained the largest portion of the population in the greater Middle East for centuries after the Arab conquest. Still, episodes of ferocious violence contributed to the spread of Islam within Christian societies, and memories of this bloodshed played a key role in shaping Christian identity in the new Islamic empire.
Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori: Muslim Politics (Princeton University Press, 1996).
Dalrymple, William: The Truth About Muslims. I: The New York Review of Books, 11/04/2004.
Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān / : Jane Dammen McAuliffe, General Editor.
- Leiden– ; Boston : Brill, 2002.
Esposito, John L.: The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).
Esposito, John L. ; John O. Voll: Islam and Democracy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996).
Europa und der Orient 800-1900. / : herausgegeben von Gereon Sievernich und Hendrik Budde ; [Veranstalter], Berliner Festspiele.
- Gütersloh : Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 1989.
'Catalog of an exhibition held from May 28 to August 27, 1989, in the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin as a part of the fourth Festival der Weltkulturen, Horizonte '9.'
FBI Records Cite Prisoner Claims of Quran Abuse
Declassified Documents Say Desecration Occurred In Early 2002
© 2005 The Associated Press and
Fisk, Robert: Islam er ikke en voldelig religion. I: Information, 02/04/2006.
Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World / Michael Cook and Patricia Crone.
Halliday, Fred: Islam and the Myth of Confrontation : Religion and Politics in the Middle East (New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 1995).
Hirschkind, Charles: "What Is Political Islam?" Middle East Report, October-December 1997.
Historical Atlas of the Islamic World. / : Malise Ruthven, Azim Nanji. Harvard University Press, 2004.
- %20World.pdf
Hubbell, Stephen: "The Containment Myth : U.S. Middle East Policy in Theory and Practice," Middle East Report, Fall 1998.
Irani, George E.: Conflict Resolution In The Arab World : Islamic Mediation Techniques for Middle East Conflicts. Middle East Review of International Affairs, 2004.
Islamisk Studiebogsamling.
Kaplan, David E.: Hearts, Minds, and Dollars : In an Unseen Front in the War on Terrorism, America is Spending Millions...To Change the Very Face of Islam.
Krogh, Kaj Ove: Fjendebilleder og Islam.
The lands of the eastern caliphate : Mesopotamia, Persia and Central Asia from the Moslem conquest to the time of Timur. / : Guy Le Strange. - Cambridge : University Press, 1905.
Leder: Bærer hun burka, bur hende inde! I: Information, 7. oktober 2017.
Muslim Population in Asia 1950 – 2020. / : Houssain Kettani. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2010. ISSN:2010-0264
Mishra, Mrutyuanjai: Vesten bør lære af Indiens islamisering. I: Berlingske Tidendes kronik, 10/12/2006.
The Qurʾān in Context: Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān. / : Editorial Board Gerhard Böwering, Yale University ; Jane Dammen McAuliffe Bryn Mawr College Brill, 2010 - 864 s.
The Qurʾān in its historical context / Gabriel Said Reynolds Resources on the Koran and Koranic Studies
Olsen, Niels: Videnskab i Det Osmanniske Rige. I: Information, 07/20/2004.
Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation (Oxford, 1977) / : John Wansbrough.
Rahnema, Safed: Sharia i Canada. I: Information, 10/16/2004.
Rasmussen, Lissi: Diapraksis og dialog mellem kristne og muslimer : i lyset af den afrikanske erfaring.
- ISBN 87-7288-702-8
Ritzaus Bureau: Islamisk lov vinder frem : Over halvdelen af muslimer i Storbritanien vil helst følge islamisk (sharia) lov ved skilsmisse og i arvesager. I: Berlingske Tidende, 03/20/2550.
Roy, Oliver: Dem globaliserede islam. Forlaget Vandkunsten, 2004. - 222 s.
Scott W. Hibbard ; David Little: Islamic Activism and U.S. Foreign Policy. (Washington: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997).
Sultan, shah og stormogul : den islamiske verdens historie og kultur : 29. marts - 29. september 1996 Nationalmuseet. / : redaktionsgruppe: Kjeld von Folsach et al.. Nationalmuseet, 1996.
Sørensen, Ivan Z.: Karen Blixens anstændige syn på Islam. I: Berlingske Tidendes kronik, 12/11/2004.
Women Living Under Muslim Laws
Zwemer, Samuel M.: Almindelig Overblik over den muhammedanske Verden : Indledningsforedrag ved Konferencen i Lucknow. I: Fra Teltmissionen, 1911 Ekstra-Nummer s. 3-32.

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