Også i 1825 kritiseres opstillelsen af krigsmindesmærket ved Bunker Hill, fordi future generations will look upon the column as a monument of the barbarism and anti-Christian spirit of our age.
William Ladd grundlægger og leder the American Peace Society og dets første tidsskrift Harbinger of Peace fra 1828 til sin død. I 1839 argumenterer Ladd som en af de første i USA for et international tribunal til at løse mellemfolkelige konflikter. Ved siden af skribentvirksomheden var William Ladd en flittig foredragsholder. Arkiv: William Ladd Papers, National Society of the Colonial Dames in the State of New Hampshire, MS017, on deposit at the Portsmouth Athenauem. http://www.portsmouthathenaeum.org/findingaids/ms017.htm
Burritt, Elihu: Willian Ladd : The Apostle of
- New Vienna, Ohio : Peace Association of Friends in America,
1873. - 16 s.
Hemenway, John : Memoir of William Ladd with an introduction by
Elihu Burritt, 1872.
Ladd, William: An Essay on a Congress of Nations :
Reprinted from the original edition of 1840 with an introduction by
James Brown Scott. New York : Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace. 1916.
Ladd, William: Annals of Bakerstown, Vol. 2 (First
Ladd, William: Essays on peace & war, which first appeared
in the Christian Mirror, printed at Portland, Maine. Now revised
and corrected by the author. - Portland, 1825 ; 1827. - 147 s.
Se også:
Ladd, William: The Essays of Philantropos.
- Exeter : J. T. Burham in behalf of the Exeter, and other Peace
Societies, 1827. - 173 s.
Ladd, William: The French Soldier. 1831?
Ladd, William: History of Alexander the Great. 1832?
Ladd, William: Howard and Napoleon Contrasted. 1831?
Ladd, William: Letters from an American. - London : [1837]
63 s.
Ladd, William: Obstacles and Objections to the Cause of
Peace. 1838?.
Ladd, William: On the Duty of Woman to Promote
the Cause of Peace.
- Boston : The American Peace Society, 1836. - 48 s. [Haves:
Ladd, William: An Oration pronounced at Minot, Maine, on the
Fourth day of July, 1814.
Ladd, William: A solemn appeal to Christians in favor of the
cause of pernament and universal peace. - Boston : The American
Peace Society, 1836. - 38 s.
Ladd, William: Reflections on War. The Minot Peace Society.
Ladd, William: The Sword or Christmas Presents. 1830?
Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations, together with a Sixth
- Boston : The American Peace Society, 1840.
Witham Penney, John : Captain William Ladd : The Apostle of
Se på Internettet: WIlliam Ladd: The apostle of peace 1778-1841 - WIlliam Ladd, Sometime of Minot, Maine: THE APOSTLE OF PEACE 1778-1841 By George C. Wing, Jr.Printed in Sprague's Journal of Maine History Vol. XI. APRIL, MAY, JUNE No. 2