Geografi ; demografi ; historie ; Britiske atomvåbenforsøg ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; efterretningstjenester ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; British nuclear weapons tests; Wars; Culture ; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Intelligence services; Peace movements; Religion; Social movements; Social conditions ; Education; Economy and Arms trade.

Australien: Klima og klimaforandringer

Australien er medlem af / is a member of the World Meteorological Organization
Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 1908-.
Bushfire History Project.
The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements was established on 20 February 2020.
Se også: Antarktis klima ; New Zealandsk klima


Mega Droughts Engulf Countries. / : Robert Hunziker. January 11, 2020.
Throughout the world, mega droughts are hitting hard with a ferocity not seen in decades and in some cases not seen in centuries. It's not merely coincidental that as global warming accelerates droughts turn more vicious than ever before. All of which begs the logical question of when will world leaders wake up with a unified plan of action to mitigate carbon emissions, or is it already too late?
An Australian research paper addressed the issue: Multi-century Cool-and Warm-Season rainfall Reconstructions for Australia's Major Climatic Regions, European Geosciences Union, Vol. 13, Issue 12, Nov. 30, 2017 by Mandy Freund and Benjamin Henley.According to The University of Melbourne headline about the article: "Recent Australian Droughts may be the Worst in 800 Years."
That study, which identified the "worst droughts in 800 years," was published two years prior to the recent drought period accompanied by massive fires across the entire continent… these are unprecedented conditions… never before recorded or seen! Thus sending a strong signal that the world's normalized climate system is broken, caving-in to a new era of "torrid breakaway climate extremes."
Dansk professor i Australien: Brandene er det »tipping point,« klimapolitikken har manglet : Sidste sommer flyttede professor Ole Wæver til Sydney – blandt andet for at arbejde med klimaforandringer og sikkerhedspolitiske kriser. Efter de kolossale brande brød ud, har det hele taget en absurd drejning. Han vurderer nu, at de australske brande kan ende som et globalt vendepunkt i klimapolitikken. / : Sally Frydenlund. I: Information, 11. januar 2020.
»Uansvarlig misinformation«: Insider kritiserer Murdoch-mediers dækning af brandkatastrofe : En ledende medarbejder i Rupert Murdoch-mediekoncernen News Corp tager afstand fra en dækning af den australske brandkatastrofe, som ifølge hende nedtoner klimaforandringernes rolle og i stedet placerer skylden hos brandstiftere og en inkompetent naturforvaltning. / : Christopher Knaus. I: Information, 11. januar 2020.
Australiere: Vores hjem brænder : Mens tusinder venter på evakuering i det brandhærgede Australien, varsler myndighederne nye høje temperaturer og risiko for flere katastrofale brande lørdag. Samtidig vokser vreden mod landets premierminister. Brandene bidrager til øget CO2-udledning og risikerer at danne tordenvejrsskyer, som igen kan antænde nye brande. / : Jørgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 3. januar 2020.
Leder: Australien har fået en advarsel med flammeskrift : Man ved efter adskillige år med ekstrem hede, tørke og brand-hyppighed, at den menneskeskabte opvarmning med rod i det fossile energiforbrug er ødelæggende. Er også Australien, verdens største kuleksportør, nu klar til at ændre sit syn på klimaforandringerne. I: Information, 23. december 2019.
Australian Climate Criminality, Heat Stress Deaths & Australian Aboriginal Ethnocide. / : Dr Gideon Polya.. December 19, 2019
More than 500 Australians presently die from heat stress each year with this disaster disproportionately impacting the elderly, the impoverished and Indigenous First Nations peoples. Australia is currently beset continent-wide with climate change-exacerbated heat waves with sustained temperatures above 40 degrees Centigrade, extraordinary, nation-wide bush fire emergencies commencing in Winter, and a devastating and widespread drought in Eastern Australia that has lasted for years.
Australian cities bathed in smoke from hundreds of bushfires. / : Martin Scott. December 7, 2019.
The horror early start to Australia’s bushfire season has continued this week, with fires burning out of control in the states of New South Wales (NSW), Queensland, Western Australia and Victoria.
Sydney has been enveloped in toxic smoke for days on end as a result of blazes burning to the south, west and north of the city. The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment reported that air quality was “hazardous” in the city on 12 days last month. At times, smoke haze has caused air quality in both Sydney and Brisbane to rank among the worst in the world
Australia's 7th National Communication on Climate Change: A Report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. / : Commonwealth of Australia (Department of the Environment and Energy), 2017.
Australiens bønder sukker efter en regn, der ikke kommer. / : Gabrielle Chan. I: Information, 4. september 2018.
CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology 2015, Climate Change in Australia : Information for Australia's Natural Resource Management Regions: Technical Report, CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Australia.
Australian average surface air temperature has increased by 0.9 °C since 1910, and increasing greenhouse gases have contributed to this rise. Climate models are able to reproduce the observed warming over the 20th century.
Extreme heat was experienced during the Australian summer of 2012-2013. Near-surface air temperatures and regional sea-surface temperatures for the December to February period were the highest on record for Australia.
This period also included Australia's area-averaged hottest month, hottest week and hottest day on record, and the longest and most spatially extensive national heatwave on record. Analysis with forced and unforced climate model simulations show that increasing greenhouse gases lead to a five-fold increase in the odds of Australia recording the temperatures experienced in January 2013
Controlling toxic air pollution from coal-fired power stations in New South Wales. / : Environmental Justice Australia, 2018.
Nationally, power stations are responsible for an annual health bill of $2.6 billion. Toxic emissions from power stations cause adverse health impacts in communities at least 200 kilometres away. In NSW, particle characterisation studies have shown that air pollution from the Hunter and Central Coast power stations travels as much as 200 kilometres to Sydney contributing to poorer air quality and exposing millions of people to toxic emissions. Power stations account for 54% of the city's oxides of nitrogen and 87% of sulfur dioxide.
People who live within 50 kilometres of coal-fired power stations face a risk of premature death as much as three to four times that of people living further away.
There is no threshold below which particle pollution is not harmful to human health. Measures to reduce fine particle (PM2.5) concentrations can result in an immediate health benefit. Broome et al (2015) concluded that 5,500 years of life are lost to air pollution each year in Sydney and that, "reducing air pollution by even a small amount will yield a range of health benefits."
Hedebølger og brande hærger atter Australien. / : Jørgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 14. januar 2013.
Stigende temperaturer spreder sygdomme og giver underernærede børn, viser ny rapport : Underernæring, hæmmet udvikling, lavere intelligens og blodmangel er sygdomme, der som konsekvens af global opvarmning vil spille en større rolle – også i Vesten. En ny rapport kortlægger klimaforandringers konsekvenser for vores sundhed. / : Andrea Dragsdahl. I: Information, 7. august 2019.
Omtale af:
Health and climate change in Australia and the Asia Pacific region : From Townsville to Tuvalu. / : Mason Littlejohn. Global Health Alliance Australia, 2019.

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