Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. februar
2005 / Time Line February 15, 2005
Version 3.5
14. Februar 2005, 16. Februar 2005
GI Death Benefit Debated : Veterans generally back plan,
disagree on how it should be paid out
By Katie Menzer, The Dallas Morning News
FORNEY Randi Drake is thankful for all the help she received
after her husband was killed in Iraq from the sympathy cards
sent from people across the country to the $12,000 check the
government gave her.
But now the college student is worried about the future for herself
and her 2-year-old daughter, which is why she supports a proposal
to increase the death benefits for families of service members
killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and future war zones.
"Anything would help since I'm 20 and I'm a widow and I have a
little girl," Ms. Drake said.
Veterans groups and others applaud the sentiment behind the plan,
but not everyone agrees with the details.
Under the proposal backed by President Bush, the Pentagon and some
Capitol Hill leaders, the "death gratuity" a tax-free,
lump-sum payment given to survivors would increase from
$12,420 to $100,000. The government would also pay $150,000 in life
insurance premiums for military personnel.
The increased benefits would only be paid to families of troops
killed in designated war zones. That means the families of the
seven Fort Hood soldiers who died in a Black Hawk helicopter crash
in Central Texas last November would not receive the additional
benefits, said Joyce Raezer, director of government relations for
the National Military Family Association.
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