Litteratur |
Detection of Nuclear Weapons and Materials: Science,
Technologies, Observations. / Jonathan Medalia. CRS, 2008.- 104
Depleted Zinc for the Nuclear Industry. NUKEM Isotopes
Guidance for Industry: Internal Radioactive Contamination
— Development of Decorporation Agents. U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for
Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) March 2006. - 26 s.
U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2011.
- 2 s.
Zinc and related alloys : The pioneering traditions in the
ancient and medieval India. / Arun Kumar Biswas, The Asiatic
'India achieved the distinction of being the only country in the
ancient and the medieval world to produce pure zinc metal and high
zinc-brass alloys. The saga of zinc in ancient India has been
established only recently by a team of scholars from India (Hegde,
Biswas) and England (Craddock, Willies). The present author has
recorded the current status of our knowledge on the subject in a
paper and in a book. This provides a brief summary and also
includes a hitherto unpublished material on the Bidri alloy.
Zinc-65 and Manganese-54 in Albacore Thunnus Alalunga from the
West Coast of North America. / William G. Pearcy and Charles L.
Osterberg. ASLO, 1986. - Department of
Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 'Zinc-65 and
manganese-54 were the dominant artificial radionuclides in the
livers of albacore collected along the coast of North America from
Washington to Baja California during the summers 1962-1966. The
concentrations and specific activities of these radionuclides
changed considerably during summer, indicating rapid responses to
different radioccological conditions.'