Litteratur |
Annewandter, Robert: Diploma Thesis Modelling Pressure
Responseand Propagation of the Concentration Front of Tracers
indicating Underground Nuclear Explosions induced by Barometric
Pumping - A Double Porosity Approach. Department of Physics
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences.
University of Hamburg. 2007.- 141 s.
Annewandter, Robert: Modeling of fission gas migration from
underground nuclear tests induced by barometric pumping, for
example, of xenon. Research Group for Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control, 2007.
Sub-surface nuclear tests monitoring through the CTBT xenon
network / Frédéric Hourdin, J.-P. Issartel.
I: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 27, no. 15, pp 2245-2248,
august 1, 2000. -