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Den lovgivende forsamling i USA

The legislative assembly in the US

L'assemblée législative aux États-Unis

La asamblea legislativa en los EE.UU.

Die gesetzgebende Versammlung in den USA

Parlament / Kongressen:
Congressional Records. - The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. FDsys contains Congressional record volumes from 140 (1994) to the present. At the back of each daily issue is the "Daily Digest," which summarizes the day's floor and committee activities. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873, and is still published today.
CRS: Speakers of the House: Elections, 1913-2013. / : Richard S. Beth ; Valerie Heitshusen. January 4, 2013. - 11 s.
Medlemmer af den lovgivende forsamling / Members of the Legislative Assembly / Les membres de l'Assemblée législative / Miembros de la Asamblea Legislativa / Mitglieder der gesetz-gebenden Versammlung:
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774–2005, the Continental Congress, September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, and the Congress of the United States, from the First through the One Hundred Eighth Congresses, March 4, 1789, to January 3, 2005, inclusive. (Document / 108th Congress, 2nd session, House; no. 108–222) ‘‘Edited under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing ... editors in chief, Andrew R. Dodge, Betty K. Koed’’— 2225 s. 1. United States. Continental Congress—Biography—Dictionaries. 2. United States. Congress—Biography—Dictionaries. I. Dodge, Andrew R. II. Koed, Betty K. III. United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Printing. IV. Title. V. Series: House Document (United States. Congress. House); no. 108–222. Library of Congress Control Number: 2004114224 - ISBN Number 0–16–073176–3
Det biografiske Register over den amerikanske Kongres er en biografisk ordbog over alle nuværende og tidligere medlemmer af De Forenede Staters kongres samt dens forgænger, den kontinentale kongres. Også omfattet er Delegerede fra territorier og District of Columbia og Hjemmehørende kommissærer fra Filippinerne og Puerto Rico. [Online].
The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress is a biographical dictionary of all present and former members of the United States Congress as well as its predecessor, the Continental Congress. Also included are Delegates from territories and the District of Columbia and Resident Commissioners from the Philippines and Puerto Rico.
Executive Officers 1789–2005. Since Lanman’s original Directory of Congress in 1859, the various biographical directories of Congress have included a list of executive cabinet officers. Each roster is presented by President and by term in office. The President and Vice President are followed by the heads of the Cabinet Departments in order of agency seniority. In cases where the Vice President becomes President, prior to the adoption of the 25th Amendment in 1967, the officer next in line in presidential succession is listed. The Department Secretaries are identified, along with their home state, and dates of service. This information has been updated through the 108th Congress
CRS: Women in Congress, 1917-2016: Biographical and Committee Assignment Information, and Listings by State and Congress.
/ : Jennifer E. Manning ; Ida A. Brudnick, 2016.
The Continental Congress. This section lists the places and dates of all sessions of the Continental Congress between 1774 and 1789. Presidents of the Continental Congress are listed with their home state and the date of their election.
The table of Delegates lists the names of all Members elected in each state delegation and distinguishes between those who attended and those who declined to attend.
Apportionment of Representatives. The table of apportionment of Representatives indicates the number of House seats granted each state under the constitutional apportionment of 1787 and subsequent reapportionments that reflected each decennial census. This table also indicates the total number of seats in the House of Representatives at any given time. This is the same table that appears in the annual editions of the Congressional Directory, published under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing.
The Congress of the United States 1789–2005. In this section each Senator, Representative, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner is listed by State, Territory, Commonwealth, and District delegation in the rosters of the First through One Hundred Eighth Congresses. The extensive footnotes provide information about the Member during a particular Congress and about the status of the State or Territory involved. Senators’ names appear within each delegation in order of seniority.
CRS: Representatives and Senators: Trends in Member Characteristics Since 1945. / R. Eric Petersen. 2012. - 41 s.
Appropriations Subcommittee Structure: History of Changes from 1920 to 2013. / : Jessica Tollestrup. February 5, 2013. - 16 s.
'The evolution of the modern Appropriations subcommittee structure can be divided into four eras. The first era, stretching roughly from the initial reorganization in the 1920s until the end of the Second World War, was marked by stability. Most of the changes in Appropriations structure resulted from combining bills (e.g., the Treasury Department bill with the Post Office Department bill beginning in 1924), although one new bill (and subcommittee) was created when the appropriations bill for the Department of Labor was split off from the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor bill in 1939.
The second era, from the end of the Second World War through 1970, saw multiple changes. During this period, Congress attempted to keep pace with executive branch reorganization (e.g., creation of subcommittees to consider appropriations for the new Departments of Defense in 1947 and Transportation in 1967), and changing national priorities (e.g., creation of a separate appropriations bill, and later subcommittee, for foreign operations).
The third era, from 1971 through 2003, was marked by a renewed stability. While some appropriations subcommittees were renamed to reflect changes in agency and departmental status, these changes did not represent major shifts in jurisdiction.
In the fourth era, since 2003, there have been major changes in organization involving nearly every subcommittee. In 2003, both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees merged their subcommittees on Transportation and Treasury and created a new subcommittee to consider appropriations for the newly created Department of Homeland Security. In 2005, both chambers undertook major reorganizations, eliminating three subcommittees in the House and one in the Senate. This reorganization, however, left the two chambers with differing subcommittee jurisdictions. In 2007 the two Appropriations Committees reorganized again to reestablish parallel subcommittees.'
CRS: Congressional Commissions: Overview, Structure, and Legislative Considerations. / : Matthew Eric Glassman ; Jacob R. Straus. 2013. - 33 s.
'Congressional advisory commissions are formal groups established to provide independent advice; make recommendations for changes in public policy; study or investigate a particular problem, issue, or event; or perform a duty. While no legal definition exists for what constitutes a “congressional commission,” in this report a congressional commission is defined as a multimember independent entity that (1) is established by Congress, (2) exists temporarily, (3) serves in an advisory capacity, (4) is appointed in part or whole by Members of Congress, and (5) reports to Congress.' Including: Congressional Commissions Created During the 112th to the 101st Congress.
CRS: Kongressens Forskningstjeneste: Annual Report of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress for Fiscal Year 2011. / : Mary B. Mazanac. 2012. - 44 s.
Commission on Wartime Contracting to study U.S. wartime contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Congressional Authority to Limit Military Operations / Jennifer K. Elsea, Michael John Garcia, Thomas J. Nicola, Congressional Research Service, September 8, 2011. - 43 s.
Secret Sessions of the House and Senate: Authority, Confidentiality, and Frequency / Betsy Palmer. November 30, 2011. - 9 s.
CRS: Arms Sales: Congressional Review Process. / : Paul K. Kerr, 2015.
CRS: Filibusters and Cloture in the Senate. / : Richard S. Beth ; Valerie Heitshusen. November 29, 2012. - 25 s.
'The filibuster is widely viewed as one of the Senate’s most characteristic procedural features. Filibustering includes any use of dilatory or obstructive tactics to block a measure by preventing it from coming to a vote. The possibility of filibusters exists because Senate rules place few limits on Senators’ rights and opportunities in the legislative process.
In particular, a Senator who seeks recognition usually has a right to the floor if no other Senator is speaking, and then may speak for as long as he or she wishes. Also, there is no motion by which a simple majority of the Senate can stop a debate and allow the Senate to vote in favor of an amendment, a bill or resolution, or any other debatable question. Almost every bill, indeed, is potentially subject to two filibusters before the Senate votes on whether to pass it: first, a filibuster on a motion to proceed to the bill’s consideration; and second, after the Senate agrees to this motion, a filibuster on the bill itself.'
Leder: Senatet er en 'skændsel'. I: Information, 04/19/2013.
CRS: Researching Current Federal Legislation and Regulations: A Guide to Resources for Congressional Staff. / : Jerry W. Mansfield. 2012. - 17 s.
'This report is designed to introduce congressional staff to selected governmental and nongovernmental sources that are useful in tracking and obtaining information on federal legislation and regulations. It includes governmental sources such as the Legislative Information System (LIS), THOMAS, the Government Printing Office’s Federal Digital System (FDsys), and U.S. Senate and House websites. Nongovernmental or commercial sources include resources such as HeinOnline and the Congressional Quarterly (CQ) websites. It also highlights classes offered by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) and the Library of Congress Law Library.' Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet -
THOMAS was launched in January of 1995, at the inception of the 104th Congress. The leadership of the 104th Congress directed the Library of Congress to make federal legislative information freely available to the public. Since that time THOMAS has expanded the scope of its offerings to include the features and content listed below. Bills, Resolutions Activity in Congress, Congressional Record Schedules, Calendars, Committee Information, Presidential Nominations, Treaties, and Government Resources.
Chicago Council on Global Affairs: Constrained Internationalism: Adapting to New Realities Results of a 2010 National Survey of American Public Opinion, 2010. - 90 s.
Committee on International Relations, Committee on Foreign Relations: Legislation on Foreign Relations Through 2002. Volume I–A of volumes I–A and I–B Current legislation and related executive orders. U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate. - Washington : U.S. Government printing office, 2003. - 507 s. Online.
'This volume of legislation and related material is part of a five volume set of laws and related material frequently referred to by the Committees on Foreign Relations of the Senate and International Relations of the House of Representatives, amended to date and annotated to show pertinent history or cross references.' herunder administrationen af the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1985, Military Assistance and Sales and Related Programs og Foreign Military Sales Credits.
U.S. Strategic Interests in the Arctic : An Assessment of Current Challenges and New Opportunities for Cooperation A Report of the CSIS Europe Program. / Heather Conley, Jamie Kraut. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2010. - 33 s.
Chomsky, Noam: American Power And The New Mandarins (1969).

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