- ⚔
Latin: Navn på USAs og
Englands, atomubåde og
deres atomraketter.
De amerikanske Trident-ubåde planlægges og bygges fra
finansåret 1974. Producenterne er bl.a.
våbenfabrikkerne Electric Boat Division, General Dynamics og Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co.
According to Margaret Thatcher Foundation's , Margaret Thatcher's files as Prime Minister, 1981 'Finally, there is a revealing political discussion of Trident dated 10 Feb 1981. The new Defence Secretary, John Nott, notes his belief that fully two thirds of the Conservative Party and the Cabinet itself were opposed to the purchase of Trident and that "(e)ven the Chiefs of Staff were not unanimous". Whether they favoured a cheaper system, or none at all, is unclear, though comments elsewhere suggest that the real problem for the politicians was uncertainty as to their ability to manage public opinion with unilateralism rising in popularity. The Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington, responded bluntly to Nott's reflection: "(He) said that he also was in no doubt about the decision. Failure to acquire Trident would have left the French as the only nuclear power in Europe. This would be intolerable."'
Den første Trident-ubåd, USS Ohio (SSGN 726), blev
operationel i november 1981. Ubådene indeholder op til 192
interkontinentale MIRV
atomsprænghoveder på 100 kt. De amerikanske
Tridentubåde har bl.a. base i søværnets Kitsap
base / Naval Base Kitsap som er en amerikansk flådebase
placeret på Kitsap halvøen i staten Washington. Denne blev skabt i 2004 ved at
sammenlægge den tidligere flådestation Bremerton med
marinens ubådsbase Bangor. I 1973 udvalgte
søværnets Bangor basen som hjemhavn for den
første eskadrille af Ohio-klassen Trident Fleet ballistiske
missilubåde. Den 1. februar 1977 blev the Trident
ubådsbasen officielt aktiveret. Marinens Kitsap base omfatter
den strategiske våbenfacilitet for stillehavsområdet /
Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific, der yder vedligeholdelse,
reservedele og opbevaring af Tridents ballistiske missilers atomare
sprænghoveder. Denne Trident ubådsbase er den eneste
amerikanske atomubådsbase for Stillehavsområdet, mems
Trident basen i Kings Bay, Georgia eller Naval Submarine Support
Base Kings Bay, dækker Atlanterhavsområdet. De
amerikanske Trident SSGN er ubåde med flere opgaver,
optimeret til både taktiske angreb og
støtte til specielle
- Se også: BAe Systems Submarine Solutions ; Coalition to Stop Trident ; the UK Naval Base at Faslane ; US Naval Submarine Base New London ; US Nuclear Regional Maintenance
Department ; TRIDENT II Fire Control Omnibus Contract. ; Trident Ploughshares.
- Ainslie, John: Trident : Britain's weapon of mass
Scottish CND, 1999. - 32 s.
Campbell, Duncan: Secret Society I, BBC 1987.
[In this freedom of information tour de force Campbell exposes the
secret decision to buy U.S. Trident nuclear submarines as well as
laying bare the cabinet level dirty tricks campaign against CND and
its general secretary Bruce Kent. Margaret Thatcher, James
Callaghan, the British Atlantic Committee, The ultra-right
Coalition for Peace Through Security and the cabinet secretary come
in for sharp criticism for keeping key decisions secret from MP's.
CONTRACTS from the
United States Department of Defense.
from the United States Department of Defense. December 20,
the United States Department of Defense. January 12,
Margaret Thatcher Foundation: Margaret Thatcher's files as Prime Minister, 1981, 2011.
- http://www.margaretthatcher.org/archive/1981_PREM19.asp
U.S. Space Command: The Military Arm of Corporate
Hoon Geoffrey: Trident
Missile's Costs. January 18, 2005.
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