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The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of
Primary Sources
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 162. Edited
by William Burr. 2007.
, herunder V. The Trinity Test, the Potsdam Conference, and the
Execution Order
'Document 35: Cable War 33556 from Harrison to Secretary of War,
July 17, 1945, Top Secret
Source: RG 77, MED Records, Top Secret Documents, File 5e (copy
from microfilm)
An elated message from Harrison to Stimson reported on the success
of the "Trinity" test of a plutonium implosion weapon. The light
from the explosion could been seen “from here [Washington,
D.C.] to “high hold” [Stimson’s estate on Long
Island—250 miles away]” and it was so loud that
Harrison could have heard the “screams” from
Washington, D.C. to “my farm” [in Upperville, VA, 50
miles away][25]
Document 36: Memorandum from General L. R. Groves to Secretary of
War, "The Test," July 18, 1945, Top Secret, Excised Copy
Source: RG 77, MED Records, Top Secret Documents, File no. 4 (copy
from microfilm)
The first atomic test took place in the New Mexico desert on 16
August. General Groves prepared for Stimson, then at Potsdam, a
detailed account of the “Trinity” test.[26]'
Bainbridge, K. T.: Trinity. Los Alamos National Laboratory
& United States Energy Research and Development Administration,
1976. - 94 s.
Bradshaw, Jessica: Witnesses of
Trinity: The first atomic bomb, July 16, 1945, New Mexico
Draft Final Report of the Los Alamos Historical Document
Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project (June 2009) - 558 pp.
Nuclear Weapons Testing at the Nevada Test Site: The First
Decade. / John C. Hopkins and Barbara Killian. Defense Threat
Reduction Agency, 2011. - 662 s. -
Hiroshima Cover-up: How the War Department's Timesman Won a
Pulitzer / Amy Goodman and David Goodman. Published on Tuesday,
August 10, 2004 by
'U.S. authorities responded in time-honored fashion to [Wilfred]
Burchett's [Hiroshima] revelations: They attacked the messenger.
General MacArthur ordered him expelled from Japan (the order was
later rescinded), and his camera with photos of Hiroshima
mysteriously vanished while he was in the hospital. U.S. officials
accused Burchett of being influenced by Japanese propaganda. They
scoffed at the notion of an atomic sickness. The U.S. military
issued a press release right after the Hiroshima bombing that
downplayed human casualties, instead emphasizing that the bombed
area was the site of valuable industrial and military targets.
Four days after Burchett's story splashed across front pages around
the world, Major General Leslie R. Groves, director of the atomic
bomb project, invited a select group of thirty reporters to New
Mexico. Foremost among this group was William L. Laurence, the
Pulitzer Prize-winning science reporter for The New York Times.
Groves took the reporters to the site of the first atomic test. His
intent was to demonstrate that no atomic radiation lingered at the
site. Groves trusted Laurence to convey the military's line; the
general was not disappointed.
Laurence's front-page story, U.S. ATOM BOMB SITE BELIES TOKYO
RADIATION, TOOK TOLL, ran on September 12, 1945, following a
three-day delay to clear military censors. "This historic ground in
New Mexico, scene of the first atomic explosion on earth and cradle
of a new era in civilization, gave the most effective answer today
to Japanese propaganda that radiations [sic] were responsible for
deaths even after the day of the explosion, Aug. 6, and that
persons entering Hiroshima had contracted mysterious maladies due
to persistent radioactivity," the article began.3 Laurence said
unapologetically that the Army tour was intended "to give the lie
to these claims." '
Smyth, Henry De Wolf: Atomic energy for military purposes;
the official report on the development of the atomic bomb under the
auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945. - Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 1945. - 298 s.
United States Nuclear Tests,
July 1945 through September 1992.
White Sands Missile Range Public Affairs Office: Trinity Site:
1945-1995. A National Historic Landmark. White Sands Missile
Range, New Mexico. 1995.