- Geografi ; Natur og
klima ; demografi ;
historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film
; musik ; politik ;
politiske partier ; forsvar ;
fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ;
økonomi og våbenhandel.
- Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars;
Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense;
Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education ,
Economics and Arms trade.
- Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie;
Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis
politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion;
Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce
des armes
- Overvejende Islam. Wahabismen er
statsreligion i Saudi-Arabien.
- Se tillige: Afrikansk religion ; Amerikas religion ; Arabisk
religion ; Asiens religion ; Caribisk religion ; Europæisk
religion ; Latinamerikansk religion ; Nordamerikansk religion ;
Oceaniens religion, Sydamerikas religion.
- Afghansk religion ; Albansk religion ; Algerisk religion ;
Andorras religion ; Amerikansk religion ; Angolas religion ;
Antigua & Barbudas religion ; Argentinsk religion ; Armensk
religion ; Aserbajdsjans religion ;
Australsk religion ; Bahamas religion ; Bahrains religion ;
Bangladesh religion ; Barbados religion ; Belgisk religion ;
Belizesk religion ; Benins religion ; Bhutans religion ; Boliviansk
religion ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas religion ; Botswanas religion ;
Brasiliansk religion ; Brunei Darussalams religion ; Bulgarsk
religion ; Burkina Fasos religion ; Burundis religion ; Cambodjansk
religion ; Camerouns religion ; Canadisk
religion ; Centralafrikansk religion ; Chilensk religion ;
Colombiansk religion ; Comorernes religion ; Congolesisk religion ;
Costa Ricas religion ; Cubansk religion ; Cypriotisk religion ;
Dansk religion ; Djiboutisk religion ; Dominicansk religion ;
Dominicas religion ; Ecuadoriansk religion ; Engelsk religion ; Egyptisk religion ; El
Salvadoransk religion ; Elfenbenskystens religion ; Eritreas
religion ; Estlands religion ; Etiopisk religion ; Fijis religion ;
Filippinsk religion ; Finsk religion
; De forenede arabiske Emiraters religion ; Fransk religion ; Færøsk
religion ; Gabons religion ;
Gambiansk religion ; Georgiansk religion ; Ghanas religion ;
Grenadas religion ; Græsk religion ; Grønlandsk religion ; Guatemalas
religion ; Guineas religion ; Guinea-Bissaus religion ; Guyansk
religion ; Haitiansk religion ; Hollansk religion ; Honduras
religion ; Hvideruslands religion ; Indisk religion ; Indonesisk
religion ; Irakisk religion ; Iransk
religion ; Islandsk religion ; Irsk religion ; Israelsk religion ; Italiensk religion ;
Jamaicas religion ; Japansk religion ; Jordans religion ; Kap
Verdisk religion ; Kasakhstanisk religion ; Kenyansk religion ; Kinesisk religion ; Kirgisistans
religion ; Kiribatis religion ; Kosovos religion ; Kroatiens
religion ; Kuwais religion ; Laotisk religion ; Lesothisk religion
; Letlands religion ; Libanesisk religion ; Liberiansk religion ;
Libysk religion ; Liechtensteins religion ; Litauens religion ;
Luxembourgs religion ; Madagascars religion ; Makedonsk religion ;
Malawis religion ; Malaysias religion ; Maldiviensk religion ;
Malis religion ; Maltesisk religion ; Marokkansk religion ;
Marshalløernes religion ; Mauretaniens religion ; Mauritius
religion ; Mexicansk religion ; Mikronesisk religion ; Moldovisk
religion ; Monacos religion ; Mongoliets religion ; Montenegros
religion ; Mozambiques religion ;
Myanmars religion ; Namibias religion ; Naurus religion ;
Nepals religion ; New Zealandsk
religion ; Nicaraguansk religion ; Nigers religion ; Nigerias
religion ; Norsk religion ;
Nordkoreansk religion ; Omans religion ; Pakistansk religion ;
Palaus religion ; Palæstinas religion ; Panamas religion ;
Papua Ny Guineansk religion ; Paraguays religion ; Peruviansk
religion ; Polsk religion ; Portugisisk religion ; Qatars religion
; Rumænsk religion ; Russisk
religion ; Rwandas religion ; Salomonøernes religion ;
Samoas religion ; San Marinos religion ; São Tomé
& Principles religion ; Schweizisk religion ; Senegals religion
; Serbisk religion ; Seychellernes religion ; Sierra Leones
religion ; Singapores religion ; Skotsk
religion ; Slovakiets religion ; Sloveniens religion ; Somalisk
religion ; Spansk religion ; Sri Lankas religion ; St. Kitts &
Nevis religion ; St. Lucias religion ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes
religion ; Sudanesisk religion ; Surinams
religion ; Svensk religion ; Swazilands religion ; Sydafrikansk
religion ; Sydkoreansk religion ; Syrisk religion ; Tadsjikistans
religion ; Taiwanesisk religion ; Tanzanias religion ; Tchads
religion ; Thailandsk religion ;
Tjekkisk religion ; Togos religion ; Tongas religion ; Trinidad
& Tobagos religion ; Tunesisk religion ; Turkmenistans religion
; Tuvalus religion ; Tyrksk religion ;
Tysk religion ; Ugandas religion ; Ukrainsk religion ; Ungarnsk
religion ; Uruguays religion ; Usbekistans religion ; Vanuatus
religion ; Venezuelas religion ; Vietnamesisk religion ; Yemens
religion ; Zambias religion ; Zimbabwes religion ; Ækvatorial
Guineas religion ; Østrisk religion ; Østtimors
- Foreign Funded Islamist Extremism in the UK. / ; Tom
Wilson. - London : Centre for the Response to Radicalisation and
Terrorism, The Henry Jackson Society, 2017. ; Research Paper No. 9
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Jackson_Society
The foreign financing and promotion of Islamist extremism in
Britain is a serious challenge that has now been recognised by the
UK government. The government's 2015 Counter-Extremism Strategy
pledged to look at the role of overseas funding in driving domestic
extremism. In January 2016 the Home Office's Extremism Analysis
Unit was tasked with investigating this matter, although the
government has not announced plans to publish this research.
The foreign funding for Islamist extremism in Britain primarily
comes from governments and government linked foundations based in
the Gulf, as well as Iran. Foremost among these has been Saudi
Arabia, which since the 1960s has sponsored a multimillion dollar
effort to export Wahhabi Islam across the Islamic world, including
to Muslim communities in the West.
In the UK this funding has primarily taken the form of endowments
to mosques and Islamic educational institutions, which have in turn
played host to extremist preachers and the distribution of
extremist literature. Influence has also been exerted through the
training of British Muslim religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, as
well as the use of Saudi textbooks in a number of the UK's
independent Islamic schools.
- Leder: Saudi-Arabien bag terror. I: Arbejderen,
6. juli 2017.
Leder: Sri Lanka i Saudiernes skygge. I: Information,
26. april 2019.
- Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 7: The Destruction of
Religious and Cultural Sites.
Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain.
- http://www.adhrb.org/
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