- USSR: Nuclear Weapons Tests:
- URSS: essais d'armes nucléaires
- URSS: Pruebas de armas nucleares
- UdSSR: Nuklearwaffentests
- Atomvåbenforsøgene omfattede
/ The nuclear weapons tests included
- Tekst.
- Miljøforurening
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
- Barium ; beryllium ;
cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton
; lanthanum ; molybdæn ;
neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ;
polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ;
strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran
; xenon ;
- Se også: Atomaffald ;
- Adamsky, Viktor; Smirnov, Yuri (1994).
"Moscow's Biggest Bomb: the 50-Megaton Test of October
Cold War International History Project Bulletin (4): 3,
The Containment of Soviet Underground Nuclear Explosions. /
: Vitaly V. Adushkin, William Leith. U.S. Geological Survey,
Erindringer. / : A. D. Sacharov. Centrum, 1990.
Nuclear Wastelands : A global guide to nuclear
weapons production and its health and environmental effects / by a
special commission of International
Psysicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Institute
for Energy and Environmental Research ; edited by Arjun Makhijiani,
Howars Hu and Katherine Yih. - Cambridge ; London : The MIT Press,
1995. Nuclear Testing in the USSR. Volume I-VI. Objectives.
General Characteristics. Organization of USSR Nuclear Testing.
First Nuclear Tests.
- http://npc.sarov.ru/english/issues/testing.html
Nuclear Wastes in the Arctic: An Analysis of Arctic and
Other Regional Impacts from Soviet Nuclear Contamination,
- Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1995.
- 244 s.
- http://www.fas.org/ota/reports/9504.pdf
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