Arends, Susanne: Nødvendigt drab : Retfærdig
krig markedsføres fikst af amerikanske intelektuelle.
I: Information, 03/15/2002.
Burcharth, Martin: Hvor er det europæiske alternativ?
I: Information, 03/08/2003.
Gerson, Johannes: Dialogus, cuius collocutores sunt milites duo,
unus Francus alter Anglus contendentes de querelis Franciae et
Gerson, Johannes: Werken. - Antwerpen, 1706.
Description: Announcing a new website in philosophical and
empirical peace and war studies: is a free,
non-profit aid to research and instruction in applied ethical,
political and legal theories of armed conflict, peace-making, and
international law.
Keating, J.: Catholics and the problem of peace. - Oxford,
Krieg und Christentum : Ein latinischer Dialog aus dem
späten Mittelalter. I: Die Friedens-Warte, 1934:4 s.
Law of War Handbook: 2004 ; 2005 / editor MAJ Keith E.
International and Operational Law Department, The Judge Advocate
General's Legal Center and School Charlottesville, Virginia
From the preface:
The Law of War Handbook should be a start point for Judge Advocates
looking for information on the Law of War. It is the second volume
of a three volume set and is to be used in conjunction with the
Operational Law Handbook (JA422) and the Documentary Supplement
(JA424). The Operational Law Handbook covers the myriad of non-Law
of War issues a deployed Judge Advocate may face and the
Documentary Supplement reproduces many of the primary source
documents referred to in either of the other two volumes. The Law
of War Handbook is not a substitute for official references. Like
operational law itself, the Handbook is a focused collection of
diverse legal and practical information. The handbook is not
intended to provide "the school solution" to a particular problem,
but to help Judge Advocates recognize, analyze, and resolve the
problems they will encounter when dealing with the Law of War.
Luther, Martin: Heerpredigt wider dem Türken. 1529.
Luther, Martin: Von Krieg wider dem Türken. 1528.
ter Meulen, Jacob: Das verhältnis der Christenheit zu den
nicht-Christlischen Völkern.
I: Beitrag zur Geschicte der Internationale Organisation
1300-1700. 1914. s. 28-29.
The Nucelar Dilema and the Just War Tradition / editors:
Villiam V. O'Brien ; John Langan S.J. 1986.
- ISBN 0-669-12599-7
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: A Lasting Peace through the Federation
of Europe and The State of War, by Jean Jacques Rousseau,
trans. by C. E. Vaughan. (London: Constable and Co., 1917).
Stratmann, Franziskus Maria: Weltkirche und Weltfriede. -
Augsburg : Haas und Grapper, 1924.
Suárez: Tractatus de legibus et de legislatore,
Walzer, Michael: Arguing about War. Yale University Press,
Walzer, Michael: Just and unjust wars : A moral argument
with historical illustrations. Basic Books, 1977 ; 1992. 2000.
Wester, Franklin Eric: Preemption and Just War: Considering
the Case of Iraq
Parameters, Winter 2004-05, pp. 20-39.
(Parameters is the official publication of the U.S. Army War
This article demonstrates that the use of military force by the
Bush Administration against the regime of Saddam Hussein does not
meet the ethical criteria for “preemptive war” set
forth in the classical Just War tradition. It considers ethical
questions raised by the US-led attack against Iraq as part of the
war against global terrorism and argues that the doctrine of
preemptive war as applied in the case of Iraq fails crucial ethical