Kort over Elugelab før og efter den første november 1952.

Operation Ivy 1952

Operation vedbend.
Serie på to amerikanske  brint- og atomvåbenforsøg i Forsøgsområderne i Stillehavet i den første del af den kolde krig.
Oplysninger om operationen er stadig skjulte som klassificeret eller maskeret information.
Brintbombeforsøget beskrives således af USAF Lookout Mountain Laboratoriet: "Øen  Elugelab er forsvundet!" Præsident Eisenhower hørt denne korte beretning om Mike affyringen i Operation Ivy fra Gordon Dean, formand for Atomenergi-kommissionen. Mike var den første fuld-skala brint spræng-ladning, der skulle testes, men alligevel var det kun en viden-skabelig test af et fussionkoncept. Mike var ikke et anvendeligt våben. Øen, hvor at anordningen er detoneret var fordampet....
'"The island of Elugelab is missing!" President Eisenhower heard this short report on the Mike shot in Operation Ivy from Gordon Dean, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. Mike was the first full-scale hydrogen explosive device to be tested, yet was only a scientific test of a thermofusion implosion device concept. Mike was not a deliverable weapon.
The island where the device was detonated was vaporized. The hole Mike left was big enough to accommodate 14 Pentagon-size buildings and deep enough to hold 17 story building under water, in a crater one mile in diameter and approximately 175 feet deep. Mike's yield was an incredible 10.4 megatons, signaling the proof-tested expansion of the nuclear explosive technology concepts from nuclear fission to thermofusion. Thermofusion is the same process that occurs in the core of the Sun.
This test, however, was not the first test of a liquid thermonuclear explosive. The first test ever conducted into the fusion principle occurred during Operation Greenhouse at Eniwetok in 1951, with the 225 kiloton George test. Another test of hydrogen in the center of a nuclear weapon before Mike was during the Greenhouse Item test at Eniwetok, proving a critical stockpiling yield efficiency concept, called "boosting."' Mike was followed on November 15, 1952 by the King shot, the largest all-fission device ever tested by the United States. It was a uranium super oralloy Mark 18 prototype implosion core in a Mark 6D casing, with an advanced warhead that enabled it to produce 500 kilotons of equivalent TNT explosive energy.
Forsøgene kom efter Operation Tumbler-Snapper og før Operation Upshot-Knothole.
Arkiv: National Archives: Records of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, (Record Group 374), 1943-73.
Atomvåbenforsøgene omfattede / The nuclear weapons tests included
  1. Mike 1. november Elugelab Island, Eniwetok 10.4 - 12 megatons - første brintbombeforsøg
  2. King 16. november North of Runit Island, Eniwetok 500 kilotons
Se tillige: Operation Anvil ; Aqueduct ; Arbor ; Argus ; Bedrock ; Bowline ; Buster-Jangle ; Castle ; Chariot ; Charioteer ; Cornerstone ; Cresset ; Crossroads ; Crosstie ; Cue ; Dominic ; Dominic II ; Dugout ; Emery ; Fishbowl ; Flintlock ; Fulcrum ; Fusileer ; Greenhouse ; Grenadier ; Grommet ; Guardian ; Hardtack I ; Hardtack II ; Julin ; Latchkey ; Little Feller ; Mandrel ; Musketeer ; Newsreel ; Niblick ; Nougat ; Phalanx ; Plowshare ; Plumbbob ; Praetorian ; Project 56 ; Project 57 ; Project 58 ; Project 58A ; Quicksilver ; Ranger ; Redwing ; Roller Coaster ; Sandstone ; Sculpin ; Storax ; Sunbeam ; Teapot ; Tinderbox ; Toggle ; Touchstone ; Trinity ; Tumbler-Snapper ; Upshot-Knothole ; Whetstone ; Wigwam.
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
Se også: Barium ; beryllium ; cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton ; lanthanum ; molybdæn ; neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ; polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ; strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran ; xenon ; zirkonium.


Analysis of Radiation Exposure for Navy Personnel at Operation Ivy. Science Applications, Inc.. 1983. - 78 s.
- http://www.dtra.mil/documents/ntpr/relatedpub/DNATR8298.pdf
Hacker, Barton C.: Elements of controversy: the Atomic Energy Commission and radiation safety in nuclear weapons testing, 1947-1974. University of California Press, 1994 - 614 pp.
Hansen, Chuck: The Swords of Armageddon : U.S. Nuclear Weapons Development since 1945.
United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992.
U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, DOE/NV--209-REV 15, December 2000.
United States Air Force Lookout Mountain Laboratory, Air Photographic Charting Service, Hollywood, California: Operation IVY (1952).

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