økologi / Ecology

Videnskaben om planter, dyr og menneskers tilpasning til de ydre livsbetingelser: klima, naturforhold, ressourcer m.v.
Humanøkologi. er den del af økologien, som studerer arten menneskets aktiviteter og miljø.
Et økosystem omfatter samspillet mellem levende organismer og deres fysiske omgivelser.
Biogeokemi er læren om økosystemet og dets funktioner.
Nogle økologiske systemer kan være lukkede.
Blandt økologiske tidsskrifter kan nævnes: the Ecologist.
Se også: Agroøkologi ; Asian Pacific Environmental Network ; biocønose : Ecological Society of America ; Edward Goldsmith ; fødevaresikkerhed ; Fødevarestyrelsen ; Institute for Social Ecology ; Verdensnaturfonden ; landbrug ; Landbrugsstyrelsen ; Arthur H. Westing ; 1972 World Heritage Convention ; Økologisk Landsforening ; økologisk krigsførelse ; Det økologiske Fødevareråd.


International law protecting the environment during armed conflict: gaps and opportunities.
/ : Michael Bothe, Carl Bruch, Jordan Diamond, and David Jensen.
International Review of the Red Cross. Volume 92 Number 879 September 2010. pp. 1-24.
- http://www.icrc.org/spa/assets/files/review/2010/irrc-879-bothe-bruch-diamond-jensen.pdf
'There are three key deficiencies in the existing body of international humanitarian law (IHL) relating to protection of the environment during armed conflict. First, the definition of impermissible environmental damage is both too restrictive and unclear; second, there are legal uncertainties regarding the protection of elements of the environment as civilian objects; and third, the application of the principle of proportionality where harm to the environment constitutes ‘collateral damage’ is also problematic.'
IPES-Food. 2016. From Uniformity to Diversity: A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversified agroecological systems.
Jernelöv, Arne: Moderne krige efterlader sig dybe økologiske fodspor. I: Politiken, 08/20/2006.
Leder: Grønne Lunde. I: Information, 16. april 2018.
Road to Survival. / : William Vogt. William Sloane Associates, Inc. Publishers. New York, 1948.
- https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.46559/page/n21

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