Mick Broderick and David Palmer, "Australian, British, Dutch
and U.S. POWs: Living under the shadow of the Nagasaki Bomb",
The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 32, No. 4, August 10,
2015. - http://japanfocus.org/-David-Palmer/4358/article.html
'David Palmer’s timely opinion piece in The Melbourne Age on
6 August 2015 draws attention to the little remembered history of
scores of Australian and other allied POWs who were held as slave
labourers in Japanese war industries in Nagasaki before and at the
time of the atom bombing. Aspects of this neglected history also
form a major component of my recent multi-screen,
hyper-visualisation exhibition “Fading Lights: Australian POW
and BCOF Troops in Japan 1945-52” (fadinglights.com.au),
co-curated with Stuart Bender (Curtin University).'