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LANSCE A Key Facility for National Science and Defense.
Los Alamos Science Number 30 2006.
Effects of variation of uranium enrichment on nuclear submarine
reactor design. / Thomas Dominic Ippolito Jr. B.S.N.E.,
University of Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts (1987). Submitted in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of
science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May, 1990.
Massachuaetts Institute of Technology 1990. - 257 pp.
Eske Brun og det moderne Grønlands tilblivelse 1932
– 64 / Eske Brun and the creation of modern Greenland
1932-64. / Ph.d.-afhandling af Jens Heinrich, juni 2010. - 285 s.
Hovedvejleder dr. phil., lektor Thorkild Kjærgaard,
Bivejleder ph.d. Søren Forchhammer. I tilknytning til
Ilisimatusarfik/Grønlands Univesitet KVUG (Kommissionen for
Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i Grønland).
Columbium (Niobium) and Tantalum. / Larry D. Cunningham.
U.S. Geological Survey Minerals Yearbook—2000. - 15 pp.
External Radiation Exposure to the Population of the
Continental U.S. from High Yield Weapons Tests Conducted by the
U.S., U.K. and U.S.S.R. between 1952 and 1963: Report to the
National Cancer Institute. / Harold L. Beck. 2000. - 62 s.
Root absorption of fission products by Bromus Rubens L. from
the AEC Nevada test site soil contaminated by an underground
nuclear explosion. / Mills, H.L.; Shields, L.M. . Radiation
Botany; Journal Volume: Vol: 1: No. 1; 1961.
'By the Neubauer type of culture Bromus ruhens L. plants were
grown to maturity in soil from a crater formed by an underground
nuclear detonation (Blanca event) at the Nevada Test Site. Plants
and soil were analyzed to determine the extent of root absorption
of fission products. Of total plant radioactivity, ruthenium -
rhodium-106 comprised 42.3%; strontium-yttrium-90, 46.6%,
lanthanide rare earths (cerium - praseodymium-144), 10.2%, and
zirconium niobium-95, 0.9%. '
Ruthenium 106, Zirconium 95, and Potassium 40 at selected ocean
stations (1960-1965). / Riel, G. K. ; Pedrick, R. A. ; Attaway,
D. H. ; Audet, J. J., Jr.. Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak MD, 1965. -
48 s.
'The concentrations of Potassium 40, Ruthenium-Rhodium 106, and
Zirconium-Niobium 95 in the ocean have been measured by insitu
gamma spectrometry at several Western North Atlantic and a few
Eastern North Pacific sites between 1960 and 1965. The
concentration of natural potassium 40 is proportional to salinity
and close to reported average values. The zirconium-niobium 95
activity is due to fallout from nuclear weapons and decreased
markedly after the test ban treaty. The ruthenium-rhodium 106
concentration reported is too high to be entirely due to nuclear
tests, and shown no rational pattern with time or depth.'
Age determination of nuclear debris by the activity ratio of
zirconium-95 to niobium-95. / Mamuro T, Matsuda Y. J Radiat Res
(Tokyo). 1969 Sep-Dec;10(3):126-32. -
Zirconium/niobium-95 determined in Hudson River water. /
Linsalata P, Cohen N.
Health Phys. 1982 Nov;43(5):742-4. -
Ratios of niobium-95 to zirconium-95 in over-ocean fallout.
/ Noshkin VE. Nature. 1968 Sep 21;219(5160):1241-3.
Characterization of radioactively contaminated sites for
remediation purposes.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Waste Technology Section, 1998.
- 107 s.
Steel and the national defense: U.S. Steel industry
analysis: importance of domestically-produced steel to overall
national defense objectives and economic and military security.
- Washington, DC : American Ion and Steel Institute, Specialty
Steel Industry of North America, Steel Manufacturers Association,
United Steelworkers, 2007. - 28 s.
'The American steel industry and the thousands of skilled men and
women who comprise its workforce produce high quality,
cost-competitive steel products for military use in applications
ranging from aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines to Patriot
and Stinger missiles, armor plate for tanks and field artillery
pieces, as well as every major military aircraft in production