Litteratur |
Ecology of the Nevada Test Site : an annotated
bibliography : with narrative summary, keyword index, and
species lists / compiled by Cathy A. Wills and W. Kent Ostler
(Bechtel Nevada, Ecological Services) ; prepared for the U.S.
Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration,
Nevada Operations Office, Environment, Safety, and Health Division,
Annual Site Environmental Report: Tonopah Test Range, Nevada
and Kauai Test Facility, Hawaii, 2011. Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2012.
Making History And Building A Future In The Nevada
By Brian Terrell, April 2015.
The protests at the Nevada Test Site have appropriately been
recognized for their historical significance. Perhaps one day
tourists to Nevada will leave the casinos for a time to visit Peace
Camp as a place of celebration and hope, where humanity turned from
its path of destruction. On that day, the Nevada National Security
Site, restored and returned to the sovereignty of the Western
Shoshone Nation, will be a monument of regret for crimes
perpetrated there against the earth and its creatures. This time
has not yet come. What will be regarded as the history of the Peace
Camp and Test Site, not to mention the history of this planet, is
still being written as we walk and as we act.
United States Geologic Survey /
Dennis N. Grasso: Nevada Test Site: Geologic Surface
Effects of Underground Nuclear Testing: Buckboard Mesa, Climax
Stock, Dome Mountain, Frenchman Flat, Rainier/Aqueduct Mesa, and
Shoshone Mountain, Nevada Test Site, Nevada, 2003.
Department of Energy: Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing
1951-1963 : Battlefield of the Cold War. / : Terrence R. Fehner
& F. G. Gosling. Office of History and Heritage Resources ; The
Nevada Test Site Volume I) 2006.
'Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing, Volume I of Battlefield of
the Cold War: The Nevada Test Site, was written in conjunction with
the opening of the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada. The
museum with its state-of-the-art facility is the culmination of a
unique cooperative effort among cross-governmental, community, and
private sector partners. The initial impetus was provided by the
Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation, a group primarily
consisting of former U.S. Department of Energy and Nevada Test Site
federal and contractor employees. The foundation worked with the
Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration, the
State of Nevada, and a local non-profit, the Desert Research
Institute, to bring to fruition a mixed-use, public outreach
facility that benefi ts all concerned parties. The facility houses
the museum, the Department's public reading room and Nuclear
Testing Archive, and offi ce space utilized partially for cultural
resources/historic preservation activities at the Nevada Test
Department of Energy: Declassification of the Number of Devices
and Amount of Plutonium in Nuclear Tests: United States Nuclear
Tests With Unannounced Simultaneous Detonations, 1994.
Department of Energy: Radiological Effluents Released from U.S.
Continental Tests, 1961 Through 1992. / C R Schoengold, M E
DeMarre, E M Kirkwood. 1996.
Hacker, Barton C.: Elements of controversy: the Atomic
Energy Commission and radiation safety in nuclear weapons testing,
1947-1974. University of California Press, 1994 - 614 pp.
Historical Estimates Of External Gamma Exposure And Population
External Gamma Exposure From Testing At The Nevada Test Site.
Part 1, Test Series Through Hardtack 2, 1958 / Anspaugh, Lynn R;
Church, B W.; Ucrl-87380; 1984. - 39 s.
National Cancer Institute: Estimated Exposures and Thyroid Doses
Received by the American People from Iodine-131 in Fallout
Following Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests (the Fallout
Report, 1997).
Nevada Test Site – Site Description. ORAU TEAM Dose
Reconstruction Project for NIOSH. 2008. - 99 s.
NNSA Nevada Site Office: NSO Historical Test Films. -
NNSS Soils Monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366). / :
prepared by Julianne J. Miller, Steve A. Mizell, George Nikolich,
and Scott Campbell. Desert Research Institute- Publication No.
45241 submitted to Nevada Site Office. National Nuclear Security
Administration U.S. Department of Energy. Las Vegas, Nevada.
February 2012.
Nuclear Weapons Testing at the Nevada Test Site: The First
Decade. / John C. Hopkins and Barbara Killian. Defense Threat
Reduction Agency, 2011. - 662 s.
'We embarked on this project for several reasons, all centered on
our fascination with the history of nuclear weapons testing and our
interest in making more of the details of these complex operations
available to the general public. We focused largely on the people.
We have enormous respect and admiration for those who devoted major
parts of their lives to the development and understanding of
nuclear weapons.'
Safety Experiments November 1955 - March 1958 : United
States Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Tests, Nuclear Test Personnel
Review. Prepared by the Defense Nuclear Agency, 1982.- 82 s.
United States Nuclear Tests,
July 1945 through September 1992.
U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, DOE/NV--209-REV
15, December 2000.