Museer |
Gandhi Museums & Libraries in India.
National Gandhi Museum, New Delhi.
- http://www.gandhimuseum.org/
Litteratur - Bibliografier og forskningsoversigter |
Reddy, E.S.: Indian Research and Publication on South
The Book Review, New Delhi, October 1996.
Rønnow, Dues Kirsten: Nordisk Gandhi-bibliografi.
- Lund : Transnationella Stiftelsen för Freds- och
Framtidsforskning, 2004.
Steinberg, David: British Ruled India 1757-1947 :
Bibliography of Books Articles and Dissertations Concentrating on
Terp, Holger: Samtidige nordiske monografier og danske artikler af og om
om Gandhi.
Terp, Holger: Peace in
Kildesamlinger |
The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi/Volume I/Guide to
Det danske Fredsakadamis
CD-rom med engelsksprogede værker om Gandhi og hans
samtid frem til og med første verdenskrig.
Det Danske Fredsakademis kildesamling: Mohandas Gandhi and Nordic
Birla, G. D.: In the Shadow of the Mahatma : A Personal
- Bombay: Vakils, Feffer and Simons, 1968. - 303 s.
Desai, Mahadev: Day to Day with Gandhi, bd 1-9, 1968.
Gandhi, M. K.: Delhi Diary : (Prayer speeches from 10-9-'47
to 30-1-'48).
- Ahmedabad : Navajivan Publishing House, 1948. - 406 s.
Desai, Mahadev: With Gandhiji in Ceylon [November 1927] : A
Journal of the Official Tour with Autorised Version of all
important Speeches. - Triplicane, Madras: S. Ganesan, 1928. - 159
Udvalgte monografier |
Mahatma Gandhi Interactive Multimedia, CD-Rom : The
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi.
- Delhi : Publications Division, Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting, Government of India, 1999. - ISBN - 81-230-0735-3
Baseret på, men ikke identisk med Collected Works!!!
Suhrud, Tridip: 'Re-editing'
Gandhi's Collected Works .
Economic and Political Weekly November 20, 2004 s. 4967-4969.
Gandhi, M. K.: Non-violence in Peace & War, I+II.
- Ahmeddabad : Navajivan Publication House, 1942 ; 1962. - 519+393
Gandhi, M. K.: My
Spiritual Message. Kingsley Hall, London October 17,
Essays on Gandhian politics: the Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919
: Essays ... presented at a symposium organized under the aegis of
the Department of History of the Australian National University in
November 1966; by Ravinder Kumar; Australian National University.
Dept. of History. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1971 - 347 s.
Gandhi, M. K.: Om mit liv.
- København : Gyldendal, 1983. - 102 s.
Gandhi, M. K.: Satyagraha [Non-Violent Resistance].
- Ahmeddabad : Navajivan Publication House, 1951 ; 1958. - 404
Gandhi, M.K.: Songs From Prison : Translations of Indian
Lyrics Made in Jail. Adapted for the Press by John S. Hoyland.
- London: George Allen and Unwin, 1934. - 160 s.
Gandhi, Mahatma: Om
Vaccination, Kopper og Læger.
- [Holte] : Landsforeningen mod Tvangsvaccination [Dansk
Antivaccinationsforening], Udateret, [1928?], - 15 s.
; Smaaskrift ; 3). Date's Tryk, København.
Afsnit fra A Guide to health og kapitel XII i den engelske Hind
Swaraj udgave fra 1908.
Ikke i Bogfortegnelsen, Ej i KB og Statsbiblioteket.
Se også: Austin, R. F. E.: Vaccination og Kopper, Foredrag
holdt i Grundtvigs Hus i Efteraaret 1924.
Landsforeningen mod Tvangsvaccination, 1928. Smaaskrift ; 1)
The Breath of my life : the Correspondence of Mahatma Gandhi
(India) and Bart de Ligt (Holland) on War and Peace / red.:
Christian Bartolf. - ISBN 3-930093-15-4
Chakravarty, Amiya: A Saint at work.
- Philadelphia, The Young Friends Movement of the Philadelphia
Yearly Meeting, 1950. - 50 s.
Gandhi as we know him : By seventeen contributors / Edited
by Chandrashanker Shukla.
- Bombay : Vora & Co, 1945. - 145 s.
Gandhi, Rajmohan: Mohandas : A True Story of a Man, his
People and an Empire.
- New Delhi : Viking, Penguin, 2006. - 745 s. : ill. -
Governor-General: East India (non-co-operation) :
Telegraphic correspondence regarding the situation in India.
- London : His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1922. - 16 s.
Mahatma Gandi in the beginning of the 21st Century / editor:
Ravindra Kumar.
- New Delhi : Gyan publishing House, 2006. - 346 s. - ISBN
Miller, Web: I Found no peace : The journal of a foreign
- New York: Garden City, 1938. s. 238-238.
Nayar, Pyarelal: Mahatma Gandhi : The Early Phase, (Vol.
Nayar, Pyarelal: Mahatma Gandhi : The Discovery of
Satyagraha – On the Threshold, (Vol. II).
Nayar, Pyarelal: Mahatma Gandhi : The Birth of Satyagraha,
(Vol. III).
Nayar, Pyarelal: Maharma Gandhi: The Last Phase, (Vol.
Nayar, Pyarelal: Mahatma Gandhi : The Last Phase (Vol.
Nayar, Sushila: Mahatma Gandhi : Satyagraha at Work, (Vol.
Nayar, Sushila: Mahatma Gandhi : India Awakened, (Vol.
Nayar, Sushila: Mahatma Gandhi : Salt Satyagraha – The
Watershed, (Vol. VI).
Nayar, Sushila: Mahatma Gandhi : Preparing For Swaraj, (Vol.
Nayar, Sushila: Mahatma Gandhi : Final Fight For Freedom,
(Vol. VIII).
Navajivan Publishing House.
Tendulkar, D.G.Mahatma: Life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,
bd. 1-8. 1951-1954. Vol 1 1869-1920
Vol 2 1920-1929
Vol 3 1930-1934
Vol 4 1934-1938
Vol 5 1938-1940
Vol 6 1940-1945
Vol 7 1945-1947
Vol 8 1947-1948
Se på Internettet |
The National Gandhi Museum, New Delhi - http://www.gandhimuseum.org/
Mahatma Gandhi Research and Media Service - http://gandhiserve.com.
Description : GandhiServe Foundation's web site offers photos, footage, audio, books, information, writings online, video online, research service, consultancy and rare materials on Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi.
M. K. Gandhi-sarvodaya.org - http://www.mkgandhi-sarvodaya.org