Fabian Society

Engelsk socialistisk, humanistisk, kulturradikal forening oprettet 1884 i London med afsæt i the Fellowship of the New Life. Fabian Society grundlægger det ugentlige tidsskrift New Statesman i 1912. Fabian Society nedsætter den føderalistiske arbejdsgruppe the Fabian Committee for a Supernational Authority that will Prevent War og The International Agreements Committee of the Fabian Research Department under første verdenskrig. Blandt medlemmer af Fabian Society var Annie Besant, Edward Carpenter, John Davidson, Havelock Ellis, Edward R. Pease, George Bernard Shaw, Harold Laski ; Sidney Webb og H. G. Wells. Ungdomsafdeling: Young Fabians. Arkiv: British Library of Political and Economic Science.
Se på Internettet: http://www.fabian-society.org.uk/int.asp


The Fabian Society: Its Early History: A paper read in London, 6 February 1892. / George Bernard Shaw; Fabian Society Tract no. 41.
- http://archive.org/details/TheFabianSocietyItsEarlyHistory.
Fabian essays in socialism. / G. Bernard Shaw et al Fabian Society (Great Britain); Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950, ed; Webb, Sidney, 1859-1947; Clarke, William, M.A., Cambridge; Olivier, Sydney Haldane Olivier, Baron, 1859-1943; Besant, Annie Wood, 1847-1933; Wallas, Graham, 1858-1932; Bland, Hubert, 1856-1914. 1889. - 262 s.
- http://archive.org/details/fabianessaysinso00fabirich
'The basis of socialism: Economic, by G. B. Shaw. Historic, by Sidney Webb. Industrial, by William Clarke. Moral, by Sydney Olivier.--The organization of society: Property under socialism, by Graham Wallas. Industry under socialism, by Annie Besant.--The transition to social democracy: Transition by G. B. Shaw. The outlook, by Hubert Bland.--Index.'
Fabianism and the empire : a manifesto by the Fabian society (1900).
- http://archive.org/details/fabianismempirem00shawuoft
Pease, Edward R.: The History of the Fabian Society. 1916. - 320 s.
- http://archive.org/details/cu31924002405599
How to pay for the war : being ideas offered to the Chancellor of the Exchequer by the Fabian Research Department (1917). - 316 s.
- http://archive.org/details/cu31924030226512
Labour movements in Latin America (1947).
- http://archive.org/details/LaborMovementsOfLatinAmerica
A plan of campaign for labor, containing the substance of the Fabian manifesto entitled "To your tents, O Israel!" ("Fortnightly review," Nov. 1893); with practical proposals for labor representation (1894).
- http://archive.org/details/planofcampaignfo00shawrich
Report to International Congress Copenhagen August, 1910 (1910).
- http://archive.org/details/ReportToInternationalCongressCopenhagenAugust1910_784
Women in the engineering trades; a problem, a solution, and some criticisms; being a report based on an enquiry by a Joint Committee of the Fabian Research Department and the Fabian Women's Group. / Barbara Drake .. (1917). - 151 s.
- http://archive.org/details/womeninengineer00drakgoog

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