
Græsk, engelsk: Directed-energy weapon:
Laserbaserede våben, herunder de amerikanske High-energy radio-frequency weapons og Pulsed Energy Projectiles.
Se også: Elektronisk krigsførelse ; Strategic Defense Initiative.


CRS: U.S. Army Weapons-Related Directed Energy (DE) Programs: Background and Potential Issues for Congress. / : Andrew Feickert, 2018.
The U.S. military has a long and complicated history in developing directed energy (DE) weapons. Many past efforts have failed for a variety of reasons and not all failures were attributed to scientific or technological challenges associated with weaponizing DE. At present, a number of U.S. military DE weapons-related programs are beginning to show promise, such as the Navy’s Laser Weapon System (LaWs), which the Navy plans to deploy on the USS Ponce, the first ever Department of Defense (DOD) laser weapon to be deployed and approved for operational use, according to the Navy. With a number of U.S. Army weapons-related DE programs showing promise during concept demonstrations and their potential relevance in addressing a number of current and emerging threats to U.S. ground forces, some believe the Army is making progress to field viable DE weapon systems designed to counter rockets, artillery, and mortars (C-RAM) and address certain types of short-range air defense (SHORAD) threats.

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