Geografihistoriske primærkilder og
fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:
Geography and Ecology of Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Archipelago
/ editors D. R. Stoddart and J. D. Taylor. The Atoll Research
Bulletin, - Washington, D.C.: The Smithsonian Institution, August
27, 1971.
'Øerne i Chagos-øgruppen er af interesse af flere
grunde. Først er de, de vådeste koraløer i Det
Indiske Ocean, hvilket betyder år-lige
nedbørsmængder på op til mere end 3700 mm; en
ville således forvente markante økologiske forskelle
mellem disse øer og de meget tørre øer i det
vestlige indiske ocean. For det andet er Chagos øerne
beliggende i centrum af Det Indiske Ocean og danner afslutningen af
sekvenser af øer (Maldiverne og Laccadives i lineær
opstilling mod nord, og den mere spredte vifte af øer i det
vestlige indiske ocean), som viser markante forskelle i afstand fra
kontinentalt land i området, klima, og habitat
mangfoldighed.' Atollen ejes af Storbritannien, der købte øen
af af Mauritius i 1965 for 3
millioner £ for at skabe Det Britiske Territorium i Det
Indiske Ocean som ud over Diego Garcia oprindelig bestod af
Aldabra, Farquhar og Desroches (Des Roches) øerne. Nu
består Det Britiske Territorium i Det Indiske Ocean kun af
Chagosøerne - læs Diego Garcia.
Øen er, med sin nærhed til Indien,
Pakistan, Kina,
Mellemøsten og til
Afrika, et aktuelt vigtigt
geopolitisk trafikknudepunkt for
amerikansk militær- og efterretningsvirksomhed. US,
Australia plan expansion of military ties amid pivot to SE Asia. /
Craig Whitlock. Washington Post, March 26, 2012.
'President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard
announced Nov. 17, 2011, that the U.S. would permanently base 2,500
Marines in Darwin. The United States and Australia are planning a
major expansion of military ties, including possible drone flights
from a coral atoll in the Indian Ocean and increased U.S. naval
access to Australian ports, as the Pentagon looks to shift its
forces closer to Southeast Asia, officials from both countries
Diego Garcia and the United States’ Emerging Indian Ocean
Strategy. / Andrew S. Erickson, Walter DC. Ladwig III, and Justin
D. Mikolay. I: Asian Security, vol. 6, no. 3, 2010, pp.
John Pilger: Stealing a Nation (2004).
'TV dokumentarudsendelse som afslører, hvordan den britiske
regering deporterede en gruppe øers befolkning, herunder
Diego Garcias, således, at USA kunne bygge en
Natur og klima: Fisk.
Fugle. The Atoll of Diego Garcia and
the Coral Formations of the Indian Ocean. Bourne, G Proceedings of
the Royal Society of London, January 1, 1887. s. 440-461
- British Indian Ocean
Territory. I: World Atlas of Coral Reefs / Mark
Spalding, Corinna Ravilious, Edmund Peter Green. University of
California Press, 2001 s. 226-229.
- World Database on Protected Areas: Beskyttede områder og
nationalparker: Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands: UK
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2004. - 14 s.
Minoritetsgrupper: Chagossianere / Chagossians deporteret til
Nauvel, Christian: A Return from Exile in Sight? The Chagossians
and Their Struggle. I: Northwestern Journal of International
Human Rights, Volume 5, Issue 1 (Fall 2006).
Diego Garcia var koloniseret af Frankrig 1793-1814 og af Storbritannien
1814-1965 som en administrativ del af Maurentus, ifølge
Paris traktaten af 1914: Treaties of Peace and Alliance;
Signed at Paris, on the 30th May, 1814, and 20th November, 1815.
Presented to the House of Commons ([1860?]).
''8. Hans Britiske Majestæt, fastsætter for sig selv og
sine allierede, engagerer til at gendanne til Hans Mest Kristne
Majestæt, inden den periode, som herefter blive fastsat,
kolonierne, fiskerifabrikker, og virksomheder af enhver art, som
var besat af Frankrig den 1 januar 1792, i havene og på
kontinenterne i Amerika, Afrika og Asien, dog med undtagelse af
øerne Tobago og St. Lucia, og Isle of France og dens
besiddelser, især Rodrigues og
Seychellerne, hvor flere kolonier og besiddelser Hans mest
kristne Majestæts opgiver i fuld ret og suverænitet til
Hans britiske Majestæt, og også den del af St. Domingo
afstået til Frankrig i Basel Traktaten, og som Hans mest
kristne Majestæt genindsætter i fuld ret og
suverænitet til Hans katolske Majestæt. '
Under den første del af den
kolde krig, i
1966, lejer London øen til Washington, der i de
følgende år anlægger en base: Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia,
med en række forskellige funktioner, eksempelvis luftvåbnets,
Global Positioning System Monitoring Station, Diego Garcia.
Basen fungerer nu som marinens brændstofpåfyldnings- og
støtte station. Den fungerer også som hjemsted for Det
maritime forpositioneringsprogram, flådeenheden er ansvarlig
for klargøring af skibene i Military Sealift Commands
forpositioneringprogram i Det Indiske Ocean. Diego Garcia har
også en luftbase, der understøtter B-52ere, andre
bombefly, og optankningsfly som har været udsendt til Diego
Garcia til at udføre missioner i Irak til støtte for
Irak-krigen og i Golfkrigen i 1991, samt, også i Afghanistan
under, hvad den amerikanske regering kaldet Operation Enduring
Freedom, og i Irak igen under invasionen i 2003. Beskyttelsesrum
til B-2 bombefly blev bygget på øen før
2003-invasionen af Irak.
Oplysninger om basen er stadig skjulte som klassificeret eller maskeret information.
Fremstillinger af baseetableringen: David Vine:
Island of Shame: Kansas City Public Library
'David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American
University, presents his book Island of Shame: The Secret History
of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia. This presentation took
place on September 17, 2009, at the Central Library, 14 W. 10th
St., Kansas City, MO. '
'Territorial Disputes: Mauritius claims the Chagos Archipelago
including Diego Garcia; in 2001, the former inhabitants of the
archipelago, evicted 1967 - 1973, were granted U.K. citizenship and
the right of return, followed by Orders in Council in 2004 that
banned rehabitation, a High Court ruling reversing the ban, a Court
of Appeal refusal to hear the case, and a Law Lords' decision in
2008 denying the right of return; since 2006, a limited number of
escorted visits by Chagossians to the main BIOT islands have been
hosted and funded by the U.K. government; repatriation is
complicated by the exclusive U.S. military lease of Diego Garcia
that restricts access to the largest viable island in the chain,
the U.S. lease on Diego Garcia expires in 2016; in addition, the
United Kingdom created the world's largest marine protection area
around the Chagos islands prohibiting the extraction of any natural
resources therein.'
6. Into this innocent world there intruded, in the 1960s, the
brutal realities of global politics. In the aftermath of the Cuban
missile crisis and the early stages of the Vietnam War, the United
States felt vulnerable without a land based military presence in
the Indian Ocean. A survey of available sites suggested that Diego
Garcia would be the most suitable. In 1964 it entered into
discussions with Her Majesty’s Government which agreed to
provide the island for use as a base. At that time the independence
of Mauritius and the Seychelles was foreseeable and the United
States was unwilling that sovereignty over Diego Garcia should pass
into the hands of an independent “non-aligned”
government. The United Kingdom therefore made the British Indian
Ocean Territories Order 1965 SI No 1920 (“the BIOT
order”) which, under powers contained in the Colonial
Boundaries Act 1895, detached the Chagos Archipelago (and some
other islands) from the colony of Mauritius and constituted them a
separate colony known as BIOT. The order created the office of
Commissioner of BIOT and conferred upon him power to “make
laws for the peace, order and good government of the
Territory.” Those inhabitants of BIOT who had been citizens
of the United Kingdom and Colonies by virtue of their birth or
connection with the islands when they were part of Mauritius
retained their citizenship. When Mauritius became independent in
1968 they acquired Mauritian citizenship but, by an exception in
the Mauritius Independence Act 1968, did not lose their UK
7. At the end of 1966 there was an exchange of notes between Her
Majesty’s Government and the Government of the United States
by which the United Kingdom agreed in principle to make BIOT
available to the United States for defence purposes for an
indefinitely long period of at least 50 years. It subsequently
agreed to the establishment of the base on Diego Garcia and to
allow the United States to occupy the other islands of the
Archipelago if they should wish to do so.
8. In 1967 the United Kingdom Government bought all the land in the
Archipelago from the company but granted the company a lease to
enable it to continue to run the coconut plantations until the
United States needed vacant possession. It took some time for the
US Defence Department to obtain Congressional approval but in 1970
it gave notice that Diego Garcia would be required in July 1971.
After receiving this notice the Commissioner of BIOT, using his
powers of legislation under the BIOT order, made the Immigration
Ordinance 1971. It provided in section 4(1) that —
“no person shall enter the Territory or, being in the
Territory, shall be present or remain in the Territory, unless he
is in possession of a permit …[issued by an Immigration
9. Between 1968 and 1971 the United Kingdom government secured the
removal of the population of Diego Garcia, mostly to Mauritius and
the Seychelles. A small population remained on Peros Banhos and the
Salomon Islands, but they were evacuated by the middle of 1973. No
force was used but the islanders were told that the company was
closing down its activities and that unless they accepted
transportation elsewhere, they would be left without supplies. The
whole sad story is recounted in detail in an appendix to the
judgment of Ouseley J in Chagos Islanders v Attorney General [2003]
EWHC 2222 (QB), [2003] All ER (D) 166.
Judgments - R (On The Application of Bancoult) V Secretary of State
For Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs HOUSE OF LORDS, SESSION
2007-08 [2008] UKHL 61 on appeal from: [2007] EWCA Civ 498 OPINIONS
application of Bancoult) (Respondent) v Secretary of State for
Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Appellant) Hearing dates: 30
JUNE, 1, 2 and 3 JULY 2008. ON WEDNESDAY 22 OCTOBER 2008, HOUSE OF
(on the application of Bancoult) (Respondent) v Secretary of State
for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Appellant)
[2008] UKHL 61 -
Primærdokumenter: 16. December 1965 : UN
General Assembly: Resolutions adopted: Question of the
- United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland: Availability of Certain Indian Ocean Islands
for Defene Purposes : Agreement Effected by Exchange of
Notes Signed at London December 30, 1966; Entered into Force
December 30, 1966. - 10 s.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Naval Support
Facility on Diego Garcia : Agreement Effected by Exchange of Notes
Signed at London February 25, 1976; Entered into Force February 25,
1976. With supplementary arrangements and related notes. -
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : Defense:
Naval Support Facility on Diego Garcia Supplemental arrangement
relating to the agreement of February 25, 1976. Signed at
Washington December 13, 1982; Entered into force December 13,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United
States of America : Exchange of notes constituting an agreement
concerning the British Indian Ocean Territory and operations and
construction contracts on Diego Garcia. Washington, 16 November
Policy Department External Policies: The Status and Location of the
Military Installations of the Member States of the European Union
and their Potential Role for the European Security and Defence
Policy (ESDP), European Union, Policy Department External Policies,
Briefing Paper, February 2009 - 26 s.. / James Rogers and Luis
Forsvar /
Diego Garcia Project Documentation Report. / Naval Facilities
Engineering Command Washington DC Chesapeake div , feb 1985.
Abstract : In 1980, two Buoy Dolphin systems were installed in
Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory, to better enable
large ships to moor alongside the newly constructed Petroleum, Oil,
and Lubricant (POL) Pier. These buoys were positioned about 175
feet from either end of the pier and have been used to secure the
bow and stern lines of ships whose lengths exceed that of the pier.
In early 1981, 11 fleet moorings were installed in the Diego Garcia
lagoon to support the Navy's new Indian Ocean requirements.
CIA-fanger på Diego Garcia - 07. Mar. 2008 USA`s
efterretningstjeneste CIA har benyttet sin base på Diego
Garcia, en britisk ø i Det Indiske Ocean, i sit hemmelige
fangeprogram. Det fastslår Manfred Novak, rapportør om
tortur ved FN`s Menneskerettighedsråd . -
Diego Garcia Tracking Station - Link performance analysis for a
proposed future architecture of the Air Force Satellite Control
Network. Thesis Presented to the Faculty Department of Systems and
Engineering Management Graduate School of Engineering and
Management Air Force Institute of Technology Air University Air
Education and Training Command In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Systems
Engineering Eric W. Nelson, BS Captain, USAF December 2011. - 80 s.
Landbrug. Fiskeri: Commercial
Fishing. I: Chagos News The Periodical Newsletter of the
Friends of the Chagos, No.14 January 2000.