The Diggers ; The English Diggers

Graverne. Engelske pacifistiske utopiske anarkister og landbrugsreformatorer 1648-1652, ledet af Gerrard Winstanley og William Everard. I et ikkevoldeligt oprør mod stigende fødevarerpriser besætter de fattige og jordløse, the Diggers, uopdyrkede fællesarialer.
Se også: Adamites ; Anabaptists ; Baptists ; Barrowists ; Behmenists ; Brownists ; Oliver Cromwell ; the Commonwealth ; the Familists ; the Fifth Monarchists ; the Free-will Men ; the Gindletonians ; the Jacobites ; the Levellers ; the Lollards ; the Muggletonians ; the Protectorate (1649-60) ; the Puritans ; the Quakers ; the Ranters ; the Sabbatarians ; the Seekers ; the Socinians ; the Stuart Restoration (1660).
Se på Internettet:


The (English) Digger Writings : A chronological index to the publications of Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers, 1648-1652.
Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook : Digger's Song (The World Turned Upside Down)

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