Natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Chiles  geografi:

Chile er en sydamerikansk republik med grænser til Argentina, Bolivia og Peru og med kystlinje til Stillehavet og Magellanstrædet. Ildlandet, Påskeøen.
Atlas of Chile.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Chile Maps.
Geography: Chile is a South American republic bordering Argentina, Bolivia and Peru and with coastlines to the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of Magellan. Tierra del Fuego, Easter Island.
Géographie: le Chili est une république Amérique du Sud en bordure de l'Argentine, la Bolivie et le Pérou et les côtes de l'océan Pacifique et le détroit de Magellan. Tierra del Fuego, l'île de Pâques.
Geografía: Chile es una república sudamericana limítrofe con Argentina, Bolivia y Perú, y con costas en el Océano Pacífico y el Estrecho de Magallanes. Tierra del Fuego, Isla de Pascua.
Geographie: Chile ist ein südamerikanischen Republik grenzt an Argentinien, Bolivien und Peru und mit Küstenlinien, um den Pazifischen Ozean und der Magellanstraße. Feuerland, der Osterinsel.
Report on cartography in the republic of Chile 2003 - 2007 submitted to the twenty-third general assembly of the International Cartographic Association july 2007.
'The Republic of Chile is represented as a member of the ICA by the Military Geographic Institute of Chile (IGM). The IGM is responsible for the National Committee of the ICA in Chile because it is the official authority and mapping agency representing the Chilean State in all matters involving geography, mapping, and the representation of the territory of Chile in topographic cartography. This mission includes the responsibility of representing the State and the Nation in all those international organizations which relate to geography and geographic or geo-spatial information.'
Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World: South America. / : United States Geological Survey.
- Washington DC : United states government printing office, 1998.
; Professional Paper 1386-1)

Geografihistoriske primærkilder og fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:

Historia Fisica y Politica de Chile, segun documentos adquiridos en esta Republica durante doce annos de residencia en ella. / : Claude Gay.
- Santiago and Paris : Fain, Thunot, Maulde, etc., 1844-1871.
'Text arranged according to five divisions: Historia. Tomo primero [-octavo], 1844 [i.e. 1843]-1871; Documentos sobre la historia, la estadistica y la geografia. Tomo primero [-segundo], 1846-1852; Botanica. Tomo primero [-octavo], 1845-1852 [i.e. 1854]; Zoologia. Tomo primero [-octavo], 1847-1854; and: Agricultura. Tomo primero [-segundo], 1862-1865 Text in Spanish; diagnoses of plants and animals (divisions Botanica and Zoologia) in Latin 315 leaves of plates (1 folded), many colored or partly colored. All plates (except for the folded map) have heading: Historia de Chile, and most of the plates are numbered, not consecutively, but according to divisions and sections. Atlas v. 1 has 180 plates, with the unnumbered folded map and a portrait; the section Geografia [of the division Documentos] with 18 maps and 2 plans; the division Historia [not designated as such] with 55 plates; and the division Botanica with 103 plates. Atlas v. 2 has 135 plates and comprises the division Zoologia.'
The voyage of Captain Don Felipe González in the ship of the line San Lorenzo, with the frigate Santa Rosalia in company, to Easter Island in 1770-1. Preceded by an extract from Mynheer Jacob Roggeveen's official log of his discovery of and visit to Easter Island in 1722, 1908.
'Introductory note by Admiral Sir C. A. G. Bridge.--Introduction.--I. Extract from the official log of Mr. Jacob Roggeveen, in so far as it relates to Easter Island.--II. Journals, royal commands, minutes, and despatches, relating to the voyage of the San Lorenzo [under the command of Don Felipe Gonzalez y Haedo] and Santa Rosalia to Easter Island in 1770.--III. Journal of the principal occurrences during the voyage of the frigate Santa Rosalia from El Callao de Lima to the Isalnd of David, and thence to San Carlos de Chiloe, in the year 1770; by an officer of the said frigate [probably Don Francisco de Agüera y Infanzon, chief pilot]--IV. Narrative of the expedition undertaken by order of His Excellency Don Manuel de Amat, viceroy of Peru, in the ship San Lorenzo and the frigate Santa Rosalia, from the Harbour of El Callao de Lima to the Island of David, in 1770 [probably from the pen of Sub-Lieut. Don Juan Hervé, first pilot, or senior navigating officer, of the San Lorenzo]--Appendices I: Behrens'
Molina, Giovanni Ignazio: The geographical, natural, and civil history of Chili I-II (1809).
Ildlandet ; Tierra del Fuego
Se også: Chile: Natur og klima
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