Back to Child Labor and Slavery? / John Scales Avery,
Bos, Carole D. "Child Labor"
Christensen, Christian: En
rabarberdreng vokser op. Hans Reitzel, i samarbejde med Nyt
Dansk Litteraturselskab, 1971 - 165 s. 'Christian kom med sin
familie fra Lolland til fattigkvarteret "Rabarberland" på
Nørrebro i København i 1887. Hans far fik arbejde
på en skråtobaksfabrik, og her begyndte han også
selv at arbejde den dag, han fyldte 10 år.'
The condition and treatment of the children employed in the
mines and collieries of the United Kingdom. / Commissioners for
inquiring into the employment and condition of children in mines
and manufactories. 1842. - 105 s.
The curse of the factory system, or, A short account of the
origin of factory cruelties, of the attempts to protect the
children by law, of their present sufferings, our duty towards
them, injustice of Mr. Thomson's bill, the folly of the political
economists, a warning against sending the children of the South
into the factories of the North. John Fielden. 1836.
DanWatch: Hvem lider for skønheden? / Nina Lendal,
Eradication of forced labour - General Survey concerning the
Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), and the Abolition of
Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105). - (2007) The Survey by
the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and
Recommendations of the national legislation and practice on forced
labour. Conference paper, 15 February 2007. International Labour
Office Geneva, 142 s.
A global alliance against forced labour. Global report under
the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work. Report of the Director-General, 2005. - 95 s.
The history and description of fossil fuel, the collieries, and
coal trade of Great Britain (1835).
How contagion and infection are spread, through the sweating
system in the tailoring trade : being a report of a conference
of trades unionists of South Lancashire, held in the Cotton Waste
Dealers' Exchange, Manchester, on February 24th, 1877; and report
of deputation that waited on the Home Secretary on the subject,
compiled from report of investigation committee (1877).
Hull-House maps and papers, a presentation of nationalities and
wages in a congested district of Chicago, together with comments
and essays on problems growing out of the social conditions
'Prefatory note by Jane Addams.--Map
notes and comments, by Agnes Sinclair Holbrook---The
sweating-system, by Florence Kelley.--Wage-earning children, by
Florence Kelley and Alzina P. Stevens.--Receipts and expenditures
of cloakmakers in Chicago, by Isabel Eaton.--The Chicago ghetto, by
Charles Zeublin.--The Bohemian people in Chicago, by Josefa Humpal
Zeman.--Remarks upon the Italian colony in Chicago, by Alessandro
Mastro-Valerio.--The Cook county charities, by Julia C.
Lathrop.--Art and labor, by Ellen Gates Starr.--The settlement as a
factor in the labor movement, by Jane Addams.--Appendix.
Hull-House: a social settlement'.
ILO: Investing in Every Child: An Economic Study of the Costs and
Benefits of Eliminating Child Labour, 2004.- 147 s. ILO: Minimum
Estimate of Forced Labour in the World. 2005. - 47 s. 'This is
consistent with the estimate in the ILO’s 2002 Global Report
“A Future Without Child Labour” which had estimated
with a different methodology that there were 5.7 million children
involved in forced and bonded labour.'
The investigation of mine air; an account by several authors of
the nature, significance, and practical methods of measurement of
the impurities met with in the air of collieries and metalliferous
mines; (1905).
'Pt.1. An introduction to mine air analysis by simple methods, by
Dr. Otto Brunck.--Pt.2. The measurement of air-currents and
fire-damp at Ronchamp collieries, by Léon Poussigue.--Part
3. The examination of mine air by J. S. Haldane.--Appendix. The
effects of carbonic acid in connection with the Snaefell mine
disaster in 1897, by Sir Clement Le Neve Foster.'
The Making of the English Working Class. / Edward Palmer
Thompson. IICA, 1963 - 848 s.
Problems of modern industry (1898).
'The diary of an investigator. By B. W.--The Jews of East London.
By B. W.--Women's wages. By S. W.--Women and the Factory acts. By
B. W.--The regulation of the hours of labour. By S. W.--How to do
away with the sweating system. By B. W.--The reform of the Poor
law. By S. W.--The relationship between co-operation and
trade-unionism. By B. W.--The national dividend and its
distribution. By S. W.--The difficulties of individualism. By S.
W.--Socialism: true and false. By S. W.--Index'
Regulation of the sweating system : Department of Social
Economy for the United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of
1900. (1900). -
"This monograph is contributed to the United States Social Economy
Exhibit by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."
Report upon the sweating system in Canada [microfilm]
(1896). / Canada. Commission to Investigate Whether, and if so, to
What Extent, the Sweating System is Practised in the Various
Industrial Centres of the Dominion. -