Litteratur |
Alaska (1967).
National Archives - Alaska - National Security Council. Central
Intelligence Agency. - This film is a documentary on the mineral
wealth and public lands of Alaska, including the Indian tribes. -
Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation
II:Background on Amchitka, 2005. - 18 s.
Hydrogeologic assessment of the Amchitka Island nuclear test
site Alaska with magnetotellurics / Martyn Unsworth, Wolfgang
Soyer, Volkan Tuncer, Anna Wagner, og David Barnes. Geophysics,vol.
72, no. 3 May-June 2007; p. b47–b57
Formerly used Defense Sites in the Norton Sound Region:
Location, History of Use, Contaminants Present, And Status of
Clean-Up Efforts. Prepared for Alaska Community Action on Toxics /
Mimi Hogan, Sandra Christopherson and Ann Rothe. 2006. - 47 s.
Miller, Pam: Nuclear
Flashback: Report of a Greenpeace Scientific Expedition to Amchitka
Island, Alaska – Site of the Largest Underground Nuclear Test
in U.S. History. Greenpeace, 1996 - 33 s.
Nevada Environmental Restoration Project: Subsurface Completion
Report for Amchitka Underground Nuclear Test Sites: Long Shot,
Milrow, and Cannikin, 2006. - 63 s.
United States Nuclear Tests,
July 1945 through September 1992.
U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, DOE/NV--209-REV
15, December 2000.